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As the car began moving, I heard Alice's voice, speaking to me. "And now, the ride truly begins, Y/N." The car went through a set of double doors with a skull painted on them. I tuned the ride itself out, wanting to focus on Alice's words; I'd need as much information as I could get if I wanted to help Boris. "Come in, and pretend it's all just a bad dream. It's a funny thing. How so much can fall apart so fast. We never really had control at the studio. Either you in someone's pocket, or you were putting someone into yours." I sighed, thinking about the truth of that. Even as the main artist of the characters, I didn't have much freedom, so I wondered just how little the voice actors like Suzie had. "I just wanted what was promised to me. I just wanted to be beautiful! Surely you can understand that. Y/N... Why are you here?" I opened my mouth to answer, but she gave me no time, continuing to talk. "We're all dying to find out. Do you just enjoy the terror of the drop into hell? Because if that's the case... Hang on tight. I've got a surprise..." Two double doors, matching the ones I'd gone through at the start, were in front of me. They opened as I got close, revealing a turn and another set of doors that I also went through. It opened up into an illuminated room, covered with pictures and a ton of furniture in the center. I went around the edge of the room, arriving at another set of doors that also opened, but these doors revealed a drop, straight into pitch black nothingness. I panicked before hands reached out and grabbed the front of my car. A face leaned into view. I recognized it immediately, even through the mangled stitches that crisscrossed it and the eyes and mouth, now sewn shut.

"Boris!! No, no... What has she done to you!?" I reached out for him as he shoved my car, slamming it into the wall far behind me, and stomping into the room as my only exits slid shut.

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