Final Battle

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I gasped and stumbled backwards as Bendy climbed over the throne and backhanded me, sending me flying until I hit the wall. I turned over, forcing myself to stand, even though it felt like every bone in my body was breaking. A quick glance around told me that Bendy had somehow warped the space; I was now in a room of corridors rather than the throne room from before. I noticed levers on the walls and began making my way towards one when the Ink Demon came out of the wall and sprinted across the hall. I backed up, but quickly realized that he couldn't see me, yet if he ran into me, his open mouth would certainly kill me. I waited until he'd phased through the wall at the other end of the corridor, then dive rolled to the lever, pulled it, and ran back just in time to avoid Bendy.

I glanced around, seeing only three other levers to pull, and repeated the process I used on the first lever, with slight modifications. With each new lever I pulled, Bendy got faster and angrier, so I had to move much quicker and with more purpose in order to have a fighting chance.

I reached the last lever, Bendy bearing down on top of me, and pulled it without hesitation. The monitors around the room all flickered to life, each one displaying what I recognized as the last episode of the Bendy cartoon. I smiled in satisfaction as Bendy screamed, watching his ending play out before his very eyes. As he screamed, ink poured from the ceiling and bits of the factory began falling to the ground as the area under the building crumbled. I was too lost in relief of winning to notice or care. I stood there, grinning, even as a chunk of rubble from the factory fell on my head and the world went black.

Touched By An AngelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora