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     I dragged Boris away from the dead clones and walked a different direction. Eventually, we made it to an old, creaky, rickety, unstable elevator. I wasn't too keen on the idea of getting into that, and was considering stairs, when Boris walked right in. I sighed and reluctantly followed him. There were numbers and letters for floors as well as a button to close the metal gates acting as doors. I stood, wondering which button to press, when I heard Alice's voice. "Come to me now. Level 9." I pressed the button for 9 and the elevator descended. I sat down at Boris's feet, waiting for the elevator to stop. When it did, I stepped out.  I was standing on a wood platform with stairs going diqn in front of me. There was a single wooden plank acting as a bridge across the inky lake between two platforms. One one platform, there was the elevator. On the other was a huge cutout of Alice with "SHE'S QUITE A GAL" written above it. Below it was a metal door obviously electronically controlled. To the left of the door was a pipe that seemed to be like a pipe at a bank that dropped things off. To the right was a dropbox, similar to a mailbox at the post office. I walked up to the doors and they opened. I walked through and came across the same room as before. The room filled with disfigured Boris's and ink, with only wooden planks to walk across. I noticed a tape recorder, so I walked over to it and pressed play. Susie's voice emerged.
     "Who would have thought? Me, having lunch with Joey Drew! Apparently, times are tougher than I thought. For a moment there, I thought I'd be stuck with the check. But I gotta say, he wasn't at all what I expected. Quite the charmer. He even called me Alice. I liked it." At that last sentence, I knew. I knew I was hearing the last time Susie spoke before she was lost to Alice.

Touched By An AngelTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang