Alice's Tape

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I put the turnwheel I'd found in Grant's office on the door and spun it. The door creaked open, allowing me to step through. I walked down a short hallway and into a room. When I entered, lights clicked on, illuminating a stage. Shadowy figures were completely still, standing on it, as if they were frozen in time. A ripped banner hung above them, words scrawled across it in ink.


I shivered. From the looks of it, Bendy probably did set them free, but not how they'd hoped. I shook the thought away. Boris. I was here to save Boris. I walked past the stage and into a side room. The side room was circular, made with bookshelves. In the center was an open office, also made of bookshelves. I sighed and walked the perimeter, eventually coming to a door. It was sealed shut, with five unlit lightbulbs at the top. I walked around the room, ignoring the door for the moment. I entered the office when a book caught my eye. It was different from the others; the book was splattered in ink. I wondered if Alice had touched it, and if so, maybe it held a clue to the whereabouts of Boris. I picked it up and immediately dropped it upon hearing a grinding sound. I slowly turned and walked to the origin of the sound, which seemed to be near the door. However, when I got there, everything seemed the same, except for one small detail. One of the previously unlit lights was now yellow, buzzing softly with electricity. I smiled. Maybe there was a secret pattern that Alice needed to use to open this door, and if so, then I could use the ink left on the books as my guide. I stepped into the office and saw a tape recorder. I braced myself, remembering the last one, and pressed play. "They told me I was perfect for the role." Susie. "Absolutely perfect. Now Joey's going around saying things behind closed doors. I can always tell. Now he wants to meet again tomorrow, says he has an 'opportunity' for me. I'll hear him out. But if that smooth talker thinks he can double cross an angel and get away with it, well, he's got another thing coming. Alice, ooh, she doesn't like liars." I shivered as the tape ended. It sounded like Susie, now Alice, had some unpleasant feelings towards Joey. Mix that with her desire to be beautiful and willingness to do anything to achieve it, and who knows what she'd do. Fear began to slowly creep into my heart. I needed to find Boris before he met a terrible fate at the hands of a so-called angel.

Had to unpublish and put this chapter up again because I accidentally left the random title I gave it. Sorry!!!

Touched By An AngelDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora