Almost There

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I sloshed back through the ink and towards the stairs. I had just reached the foot of them when light illuminated the hall in front of me. I turned and came face to face with the Projectionist. Without a second thought, I whirled back around and raced up the stairs, desperately diving into the closet at the top. I shut the door behind me and peered out the crack. My breath caught in my throat as the Projectionist stepped closer, reaching out for the door. Just then, my vision flashed red and Bendy appeared outside the door. He began hitting the Projectionist, fighting him, until eventually lifting him up and ripping the projector from his body. I covered my mouth to stifle a scream as Bendy bent down and met my eyes through the open slit. He grinned, waved, then picked up the Projectionist's body and dragged it out of my sight. I sighed and stepped out of the closet, turning to where he'd dragged the body. All that remained was an ink trail going straight into the wall, and the door ripped off its hinges. I slowly proceeded through the now open doorway. It led me back to the main room with all the arcade games. I noticed that one switch was now lit. I pulled it, opening the door at the back that had been previously closed. I saw ink writing on the wall that read "TURN BACK NOW." I sighed. I'd love nothing more, but unfortunately, turning back was no longer an option. In front of me were tracks and a roller coaster car that resembled Bendy's face. I looked around, seeing no other direction to go, and reluctantly got in the car. As it began to move, I readied myself for whatever fresh hell this car was inevitably taking me to.

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