Too Convenient

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I walked down a short hallway and into a large room. The room had a floor leading around the perimeter of the room and nothingness in the center. A cable car system spanned the length of the chasm, leading to a platform that was otherwise unreachable, but the lever to operate the system was broken. I sighed and walked the perimeter to the other side of the room where a doorway was. I cautiously went through it, into a long and twisty corridor. About halfway through, I noticed a lever on the wall. Thinking it may open a door to which I could find repair tools for the cable car, I pulled it. I heard a creaking noise behind me and whirled around, ready to run. A large cylinder was lifting from the ground to the ceiling, revealing a large vat of ink. I noticed a valve on the wall besides it, so I turned the wheel. An ink creature popped up from the vat with a large bulge on its back. I screamed, fell backwards, and flung my hands up, bracing for attack. But nothing happened. I slowly opened my eyes to see the creature in the same position, unmoving. I stood, keeping my distance, but curious about the bulge on its back. I tentatively reached out and pulled the bulge, which came off in my hand. I grimaced at the squishy ink, but proceeded down the hall with it, knowing I probably needed it. I stepped into the same room I was in earlier, with the broken cable car system. I looked closer and realized I needed a gear to operate the system. I backed up and ran into a machine, almost falling over. I noticed a lever on the side and a tray in the front. I put the ink blob in the tray and pulled the lever. A gear tumbled out at my feet. I picked it up and placed it on the lever for the cable car, then pulled the lever. The cable car came over to me and I got in, causing it to start moving. I sighed. With how conveniently everything was lined up, it almost felt like I was walking into a trap. But none of that mattered until I found Boris. The car reached the other side of the chasm and I stepped out. Hold on Boris. I'm coming.

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