Maybe Happy Endings Exist

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I was calm which was odd. I am usually never calm. I looked at my surroundings. I was in a garden. It felt familiar yet at the same time, it didn't. I walked across a small red bridge towards a red cabana. There was something calling me to it. I didn't know why but I didn't seem to know a lot of things right now. I was even more confused when I saw my dad sitting in the cabana. But, it wasn't really him. When it spoke it didn't sound like him. "Emma Pierce, welcome to the garden," my dad's look-alike said. Its voice was angelic like. It didn't sound feminine nor masculine. It was calming.

"It's um a nice garden," I told him awkwardly.

He smiled, "It is. Isn't it."

"So, who are you?" I asked.

"Who do you think?"

"I don't know. I stopped believing in God a long time ago."

"I know."

"Am I finally dead?"

"Not yet. Your body is frozen in time which is keeping you alive and allowing Elijah Lancaster to heal you."


"Let me tell you a story. A being came to your mother one day asking for her help. At this time your mother had been in charge of her gang for around five years. This being wanted your mother to find and capture another being. This being was similar to the first yet had different abilities. Your mother, once she captured the being, realised how powerful both the beings were. When she captured the other being, the first being came to collect him. But instead of giving the being what he came for, she killed both of them. She drained as much blood as she could from them and tried to fuse their genes together. She succeeded in doing so and added their genes into you.

"The genes she gave you make you dangerous. You haven't even scraped the surface of your powers. I thought about removing the genes but I didn't. I cannot know for certain the future because of free will. But I do know that if I had removed the genes, the world would be doomed. That is why I gave you a safety mechanism in case you were close to death."

I took in all the information he gave to me. What powers did I not know about? How was I suppose to save the world? Didn't I already do that when I killed my mother? Damn. I killed my mother. "Didn't I already save the world? Why can't I die now?" I asked.

"You will face more dangerous threats than your mother and it is your job to deal with them," he informed me.

I questioned, "Why can't you save the world?"

"Bad things happen when I mess with free will."

"But you are indirectly messing with free will by using me," I rolled my eyes at him.

He smiled, "Maybe. Maybe not. But you are important, Emma Pierce."

I shook my head. How am I important? There is definitely more powerful people than me. I don't know how I can save the world. He must've read my mind because he responded, "You will be given an opportunity which you will not want. Yet, you will accept it and change because of it. But you will also face many dangers. You will fail many times. But remember everyone fails sometimes it's how you deal with it that matters. Will you give up or continue learning from your mistakes?"

"That's a lot of ambiguous bullshit," I told him.

"You will understand when the time comes," he smiled. "I will see you again, Emma Pierce. 'Til then good luck."

I frowned, "You're sending me back?"

"Indeed. Your girlfriend has been watching over you every day, waiting for your return," he informed me.

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