Welcome to my life

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A/N: Before you start this story please note there is some mild to strong language (I personally think it's mild compared most things nowadays) and somethings that could be triggering. In this story, the main character deals with abuse. I personally have never been abused so it took some research to create a believable character. If you or someone you know is being abused, speak up. It's easier said than done but there are people out there willing to help. All you have to do is say something. This goes for any of the difficult subjects in here like depression.

Also, there are some gay characters. This includes the main character. If you don't want to read a book with LGBT+ characters, you can click off this book. No one is forcing you to read it.

Now enjoy this short introduction into my book. I knew the first few chapters are not the best but it gets better. I hope you enjoy! If you have any questions or see a mistake, just dm me.

Why do little kids want to be superheroes when they grow up? Like you could be anything but you chose to be a slave to society? Superheroes aren't fun. All they do is help the citizens of a town who are too stupid to take care of themselves. Like that's supposed to be the polices job but I guess they are pretty stupid too. Technically being a superhero is illegal. It's called a vigilante. So guess I'm a criminal.

Don't ask how I got my superpowers. I know you just want to know my amazing back story but let me tell you it's very disappointing. But just for the few people who, for some unknown reason, still care, I'll tell you; I was born. That's it. My story. I was born. It's all been downhill from there. Okay, maybe it's actually all gone downhill from age 8 or so but close enough.

On my sixteenth birthday, I got one amazing gift. I got to stop my training for eight hours each day (Except for weekends). That's right I got to go to school. Fun. My parents homeschooled me up to that point because apparently, I was too "dangerous" to go to school. All I did was burn our house down once! I mean my parents say three times but I stopped the fire before anything bad happened so it doesn't count.

I had a strict schedule after school: Wake up, train, go to school, do homework, train, study for tests, train, shower, sleep, and repeat. I didn't get to enjoy the one good thing about school. Friends. It's been ten years since I had that schedule. Now my schedule is... still the exact same thing. Except for weekends! On Friday I get to hang out with friends and on Saturday I make up for it by training all day. Well by friends, I mean friend. Singular. My only friend is Simon.

Simon is a huge nerd. He'd freak out if he knew I was some super freak. I bet he'd beg to be my sidekick. Honestly, he could be very helpful. He's is amazing with computers and all the crap. I love him so much. Obviously in a friend way.

One thing Simon is obsessed about is the idea that everyone can control their destiny. He thinks that since we have the free will to choose what we do or say we also choose our destiny this way. I told him he was crazy. Some people get to pick their destiny I guess but me I don't have a choice in the matter.

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