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I am currently working on book 2 but I am kind of stuck on what to write. I will try to to get book 2 uploaded when I can but I don't want to rush through it because I want it to be good.

For now, I'll explain what book 2 is about. In book 2, there will be many different points of view from characters you already know and some you don't. The story is about teenage superheroes who are hired by YSHA (Young Super-Heroes of America) and their struggles to work as a team. Emma will still be the main character in the story but the other characters will have storylines too. Each team member is struggling with something personal and, even if they don't know it, their team will help them with their issues.

You will not have to read book 2 if you don't want. I don't think I left this on that big of a cliffhanger. You also don't need to read book 1 to read book 2. I will mention somethings that happen in this book in book 2 but I doubt anyone will be confused if they didn't read book 1.

If you don't want to read book 2 but you still want to know what happens, all you have to do is dm me. If you just want to as a question about the book even if you are going to read book 2, you can still dm me. I will mention that there will be a spoiler if the answer is a spoiler just to be sure you are okay with that.

In book 2 (or 3 because I might write another book), here are a few things I expect to include:
•Charlie's background
•What God meant
•God as a supporting character
•Emma's new powers
•Leo and Casper's vengeance for the Black Widow gang
•What happened to Rowan
•Leo and Lewis' relationship
•Charlie's Family

Update from June 15, 2020: I've been editing my book and thank God I did. Editing this grammar shit show was actually cringe-worthy. Though it did make me realise how much I've grown as a writer. Thankfully. 

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