The Ultimate Weapon

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Luna Nightshade's P.O.V.

I had done what my boss had asked. I gave the information to the young girl so she could take care of the problem herself. Now, I had to wait for my boss. It was quite boring waiting here tied up. Sometimes the girl or her nerdy friend will come down to check on me and I can taunt them. But that's the most entertainment I've gotten. I thought my boss would be back by now. She assured me she'd be able to get me out. I am her number one so I know there is no way she'd leave me here. I am the most valuable member of our gang. After this mission, everyone will treat me with respect. They all think I'm my boss' pet but I'm not. I'm more powerful than all of them. Once my boss comes back for me, surely she'll promote me. Then I can crush all of those who doubted me.

"Nightshade," a familiar voice called out to me.

I smiled knowing who it was. I knew she'd come back. "Boss, it's good to see you again," I told her. Power radiated from her. Even though she was a normal human, anyone would be stupid to cross her. She could find out anything about anyone and use it against them. I admired how manipulative she can be. She could make people do whatever she wanted including the police.

"You look like shit," she informed me. I knew what she said was true. I felt weak and tired so I assumed I looked as bad as I felt. Though it only makes sense since I've been wearing the same thing and haven't showered since I've gotten here. I probably smelled like cow shit too. "You gave her all the information I asked, correct?" She asked with a bored voice.

"Yes, Boss. I told her everything. Nothing more, nothing less," I stated.

She nodded her head slightly, "Good. She came up with a plan to defeat those pesky twins however if it works or not we won't know till later."

"If she fails?" I ask. The Hansen twins have always been the biggest problem for our gang. When they worked for us, Maximus was defiant and used his powers against everyone. His sister followed her brother's orders and no one else's. But, she tried to protect everyone she could without her brother knowing. She was definitely too weak to be in a gang. Though, everything really started going downhill after what Maximus discovered about his parents. That's when he created his own gang which outranked us. He took most of our clients and forced our dealers to stop selling to us. They are a pure nuisance. My boss had a good idea using them but it simply didn't work. They were hormonal teenagers who didn't listen to anyone. Now they must pay.

"If she fails, she must pay the price," she simply stated.

"And if she succeeds?" I asked curiously.

"Than I have created a powerful weapon who is ready to be used in my fun little game," she sickly smiled. "Now, Nightshade, you've done your job. Therefore I simply don't need you anymore. Even if Emma fails, soon she'll be ready and there will be no use for someone like you. She is clearly more powerful and I don't want to waste my time on you."

Her words shocked me. That brat couldn't replace me! I am way better than her! I've been loyal to my boss through everything. She couldn't just fire me! Who else could have accomplished this mission? No one! "You can't fire me! What am I suppose to do after this? I am your best employee!" I cried. I wouldn't survive a day in an actual job. My skills are the best here. Hell, I couldn't even survive in the real world. Maybe Maximus and Maya did the right thing. The minute I get out of here I will help them defeat Emma Pierce. I'll even kill her with my bare hands if I have to. Actually, I'll do it anyway.

"Don't worry about what you are going to do afterwards because I'm not firing you," she stated.

I looked at her confused. She just said she doesn't need me. Maybe she meant she doesn't need me in the job I am right now. Maybe I'm finally getting the promotion I deserve. Or maybe she's going to demote me. I've done such a good job though there is no way she'd demote me. It's not possible. "Am I getting a promotion finally?" I asked trying to keep my excitement hidden.

She smiled at me, "Why would I ever do such a thing? As I stated before you are worthless and you won't be working for me."

"But you said you aren't firing me?" I asked slightly hurt at her words.

"That's because I won't. I don't need some spiteful ex-employee ruining my plans. Plus you seemed so worried about what you'll do afterwards so I have it already planned out," she told me. "Bye-bye, Luna NIghtshade. Tell Satan I said hi." That was the last thing I heard before she pointed a gun at me and pulled the trigger.

Unkown's P.O.V.

I looked at the mess in front of me. I could have done something less dramatic and cleaner but what's the fun in that. I always needed to make an impression on everyone even if it's the last thing they'll ever see. I could clean this mess up and make it look like Miss Nightshade had escaped but this would make a greater impression.

I learned from the Hansen twins in order to make a perfect weapon I needed to break Emma to the point of perfection. Of course, I tried breaking the Hansen twins but killing their parents wasn't enough. Especially after Maximus realised what I had done. He was so ungrateful. I trained him. I feed him. I gave him a home. I gave him the best paying job anyone could find. I gave him freedom. I gave him a better life than his parents ever could yet he threw it all away.

When I realised Emma's powers I planned on using her as my ultimate weapon once she was old enough. However, I found the Hansen twins and thought I could use them as well. Clearly, that didn't work. If Emma does kill them, she'll be ready. I will use her to take over this town, then the nation, then the world. Nothing will stop me. She will do exactly as I say and by the time she realises what she is actually doing it'll be too late. I'll have her under my complete control. She'll be my mindless puppet.


Who is this mysterious villain? The world may never know. 😂

Actually, you'll probably find out in either chapter 23 or 24. (This is chapter 19) But in the meantime, you could always let your imagination run wild. Is the anonymous villain someone you already know or is it someone you don't? Are they close to Emma or just a creepy stalker? Did they give Emma her powers? If so why Emma? So many questions. Not enough answers... yet.

Alright Ladies, Gentleman and everyone else, thanks for reading this short chapter and the rest of the book! Have a wonderful day!

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