One Punch Woman

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Simon and Rowan seemed to be getting closer. I was happy for him but I felt scared. Elijah and Charlie were trying their best to calm me down. My panic attack was getting worse. My head was swirling with thoughts of Simon abandoning me. I appreciated their efforts but I needed music. I needed to dissociate with music but I forgot my damn headphones at home. I tried that stupid 5 senses grounding technique which kind of worked. Not really.

They were making small talk trying to distract me. It didn't work. Small talk made me stress out more. I don't know why. Though anything was better than silence. Nothing lasts forever so why even try? What's the point? Shit. I'm pretty sure my dad told me to do something when I think like this. I don't know what. Part of me wanted to call him but I couldn't. I can't have him worrying about me again. He might even overreact and take me to the hospital. No thanks.

I was so panicky that I didn't notice Simon come back to our table. "Hey!" Simon says enthusiastically.

I jumped but quickly put on the best happy face I could pull. Charlie frowned, "What took you so long?" I don't think she likes Simon that much because of me. I'm such a screw-up.

"Did it go well? What'd Rowan say?" I asked still smiling brightly. I felt broken inside. More than usual. This is when Simon says he doesn't want to be friends anymore. He is going to date Rowan, get married, have beautiful children, great jobs, and be happy. I'm going to die alone. No friends. No girlfriend. Just my dad. I should end it now. No. Stop. Shut the fuck up. What is wrong with me. Stop worrying. Everything is fine. Everything is okay. I'll be okay.

"Well, she said she wasn't looking to date anyone," he said slowly.

Hmm. Curious. "Sorry," I said trying to sound as sad as possible. I wasn't happy but I wasn't sad either.

"No! It's not bad. We talked a bit afterwards and it was great. I think we are technically friends now," he smiled. So he is going to leave me. He has found a better friend and I'm nothing. Shit. What is wrong with me? What would my father say to me? He'd probably explain how much he cares and how there is so much to live for. But what does he think? The world may never know, but it's probably something like how useless I am and how he'd be better off without me. No. He doesn't think that. He'd tell me. Right? I should call him. No. I'd annoy him.

"That's great," I say. My smile was weaker now but luckily I didn't stutter. Charlie was studying me and Elijah just zoned out. Wonder what he was thinking about?

Simon sat down and whispered, "You okay?" I nodded my head not trusting my words.

"Hey, Pierce. Nice to see you again." I looked up to see Brendon's nasty ass face again. Why does life hate me? When something good happens, it always seems like something worse comes.

"Leave her alone, Brendon," Simon growled. He is tried to be intimidating but it didn't work.

"Whatcha going a do about it, Nerd?" he said getting way to close to Simon's face. He grabbed Simon by the collar and threw him to the floor.

I got out of my seat and stood up to him. I was more intimidating than Simon even though I'm 5'0 and he is 6 something. "Why  did you do that?" I yelled at him.

"You and I have unfinished business," he said stepping closer to me. He looked back at the table with the football players and gave some sort of nod. Two of the players got up and walked towards us. Great. I don't need this right now. 

"You need back up to beat the shit out of me?" I almost laughed. I saw Charlie start to get up but Elijah held her back. Elijah nodded at me as to say 'you've got this'. 

"I don't need them to beat you up. It can be just you and me if you like," he said menacingly.

"I'm not fighting you. Just leave, please," I asked as nicely as I can. I couldn't deal with this right now. My mind was going crazy and getting into a fight wouldn't help.

Heroजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें