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Christine was nowhere to be seen. She hasn't shown up to any her classes nor lunch. Not that I minded. I didn't want to deal with any drama today. My arms burned from the shirt rubbing against my new scars from my lovely mother.

I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by Emma. "You okay?" She asked me.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry," I muttered. Hopefully, she would carry on and ignore me. However, I knew she wouldn't.

"What's wrong?" She frowned.

I smiled, "Nothing. I promise. I was just daydreaming." Apparently, that was the answer she was looking for because she didn't question me further. I didn't feel like smiling but what else could I do? If I didn't smile, people would ask questions. At my actual school, everyone was used to my constant frowning but here me frowning would be unusual. So I am just going to smile like some constantly happy lunatic.

Leo slide me a piece of paper that said 'Heyo!' I smiled for real reading that simple greeting. I wrote 'Wassup?' on it and gave it back.

'Lewis is talking with his friends so I'm bored.'

'Ah well, I'm bored too. Perfect combo.'

'Truly. At least school is halfway over.'


Emma looked at me curiously. "What are you doing?" She smiled reading the piece of paper. 'Hey, Leo!' She wrote than gave it back to him. Leo held back a small laugh and wrote 'Sup, Emma.' The rest of our lunch period continued with us writing back to each other. Leo and I kept making gay puns some of which Emma didn't understand. Though, she laughed anyway.

After lunch, Maya and I were hanging out since our teacher had a study hall. Currently, we were playing truth or dare. Maya has picked truth every time and I tried to mix it up. I've been dared to dance with no music, do a cartwheel, talk in an Irish accent, and do the worm. It was pretty funny. I looked like a fish out of water.

"Truth or dare?" I asked her already knowing the answer.

"Truth," she smiled.

"Truth is still boring," I laughed. "Are you a virgin?" She looked surprised by my question which made me snort. If she's going to pick truth, I'm going to ask questions she won't want to answer.

"Um- uh- what?" She asked trying to comprehend what I just asked. "Um, no." Her answer shocked me more than my question shocked her. I knew she was 17 but she doesn't even date anyone. So I've heard. Which led me to assume she hasn't slept with anyone. Of course, one night stands are a thing. I didn't know what to say to her answer so she just asked, "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," I told her.

"Do you like anyone at school?"

"Like 'like like'? Nope," I answered truthfully. "Which is kind of weird because I have a terrible tendency to have crushes on my friends that will never like me back." Example Rowan. Or Charlie. Haven't gotten a crush on Simon yet though which is probably why he's still my best friend. I don't even know why I liked Rowan to be honest. I think I was just figuring out I was gay and found Rowan cute. She was smart also and happy. Both of which I was jealous of her for. Honestly, I can't tell if I wanted to date her or be her.

"So, you like someone else then. Who?" She asked.

"It's your turn to pick not mine," I stated. "Truth or dare?"

"That's not fair! I need to know!" I gave her a look to make her realise I wasn't budging. "Fine. Truth."

"Where's the weirdest place you've done it?" I asked.

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