Happy 16th Birthday to me

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I woke up to the lovely glare of the sun and my parents arguing downstairs. This was unusual. Not my parents fighting but the fact that I was up before the sun. I checked my phone for the time and was shocked to see it was 5:30 am. Something was wrong. Right now I would be finishing my ten-mile run and start kickboxing lessons with my dad.

I held my breath and listened to what my parents were fighting about. "She's ready, Allen," My mother said sternly. When she uses that tone you know there's no arguing. "She is sixteen! She is still a child! What if she gets hurt?" My dad voiced his concerns.

I decided it's time to go downstairs before they started to yell. I tiptoed down the stairs and into the kitchen where my parents sat. Their harsh whispers filled my ears. They fought like this a lot. Harsh whispers. Always about me. They think I can't hear them. I don't know why. I have super hearing but apparently, they forget that.

"Mum?" I mumbled. "You uh- forget to wake me up."

"I do not forget things, Hon." She stated.

"Jules," my dad rolled his eyes at her and she glared back.

"So, how's my sixteen year old?" My mother gave me a fake smile. I shrugged. I really didn't expect to make it this far. "Hon, so your dad and I were talking and we think..."

"You mean you think," my dad stated.

My mum sighed, "I think it's time that you stop your afternoon training and become a real hero."

Well happy freaking birthday to me. Thank God I don't have a life or anything or this might really suck. I gave my mother the fakest smile I could pull and grabbed a cup of coffee. My dad looked at me disappointed. He hates when I skip breakfast but my mum doesn't care. My body needs more food to give me energy for all the working out I do.

"So you aren't going to say anything?" My mum looked at me.

Even if I said what I was thinking she wouldn't care. She made up her mind and there was no changing it. However, maybe I could convince her to make this job offer a little more bearable. "Can I have a sidekick?" I asked.

She looked at my dad for an answer but she just shrugged and walked away. "Well, I don't know. You can do this on your own. Why would you want a sidekick?"

"Because I don't want to be want to wait for crime to find me. If I had some computer genius sidekick, they could work behind the scenes and tell me where a crime is so I can stop it. I'd be wasting my time without one."

"You have anyone in mind?"

Damn, she figured it out. "Maybe," I smiled.

"Tell them to come at four. After we interview your friend, we will interview more qualified people." She grinned thinking her plan would work. It wouldn't. My mother may be intimidating but Simon is amazing. He is a certified nerd. If anyone can get this job, he can.


"I knew I'd find you in here," Simon smiled at me. I spend my lunch period in the library. No one notices except Simon; However, he thinks I'm avoiding people but I'm usually trying to get my homework done. I don't have any time after school to do it. I smiled back at him. I wasn't in the mood to talk. It was only the first day of school and I've already had enough. "How's your first day going?" Simon asked me.

"How do you think?"

"Anything I can do?"

"Actually yes," I smiled at him. "How would you like to get a super cool job?"

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