Two pieces of a broken heart

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"Lauren?... Are you awake?..."

I heard camilas soft voice enter my room.

"Cams its 2am of course im awake.."

"Can i come in?" She asked. Her voice sounded croaky and she kept sniffling.

"Sure.. Come and sit down." I pointed to my bed and i sat up to her.

All of a sudden she jumped into my arms and began crying. I just held her. Sometimes i wonder if we are really supposed to be together. Moments like these say that we should.

"Whats wrong sweetie..?" I asked

"Me and austin broke up and im not even sad about that, before you left for rehab, we was on such a good note, i really loved you and i missed you alot. I urm became very depressed without you and i turned to austin. I found out about your girlfriend and it broke me. Lauren i really love you. I always have and always will. Ive always wanted for camren to be real. Im sorry i messed up-

"I love you too"

"What?what about Kc ?"

"She cheated on me so we broke up.."

"I-im sorry.."

"Im not. She wasnt the right person for me. You will always be m perfect match. We fit together like two pieces of a broken heart. We both made a mistake. Im in complete love with you camila."

"Lauren... You dont have to say that because i said it..."

"Im not. I love your deep chocolate eyes, the way they captivate me when i look into them. I look your long wavy hair that falls perfectly and effortlessly. I love your goofiness and your humour. I am so in love with you. I want us to try again. If we mess it up, we try again. We will work this out. God has his plans and camren is definitely on the list. Now stop being such an idiot and kiss me." I demanded

i felt her lips touch mine. The first time in a while. I felt the sparks,the butterflys and thats when i remembered i should hold onto her. Shes my life. Shes everything ive ever wanted. I love you to pieces. Soon enough we fell asleep cuddled into each other. I wrapped my arms around her and fell asleep to the sound of her steady breathing.

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