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Its 10am and no one else is awake so i decided to go check on lauren.

Once i reached her door i slowly sneaked in. My heart jumped out my throat when i saw she wasnt in her bed. Luckily enough i spotted her sat at her desk with her head in her hands.

"Lauren? Whats wrong sweetie?" I whispered calmly

"Kc left.. Shes gone england for 3 months. Is it something i did?"

"Oh sweetie, of course its not! She must have her reasons?"

"Her dad needed her there.."

"Exactly its not your fault! Anyway you have us back now, we will help you through this."

"I suppose, i'm gonna try an forget about it for a while."

"So did you get much sleep last night?"

"Not really, but enough."

"Do you wanna come downstairs with me and eat my delicious pancakes?"i raised an eyebrow

"Ally! Dont kid yourself! My pancakes are WAAAAY better! But sure i could give them a taste" she laughed, as she began running down the stairs.

By now everyone was in the kitchen,laughing. Its great to have us all back together like this.

"Hey guys i was thinking, id like to start up interviews and concerts again." Lauren said

"You would?! Do you think you could handle it?" Demi replied

"Yea,i think im ready!" Lauren smiled

"Well ill be on the phone straight away to simon!" Demi giggled



"And can you give a warm welcome to FIFTH HARMONY!!" Ellen shouted as the crowd clapped and we all walked on.

"Hello ladies!" Ellen greeted us

"Hi!!" We all replied in time like the old days.

"I cant believe weve finally got fifth harmony back together without any troubles!!"

"I know its really great to be back on with our job and seeing our lovely fans again!" I replied to Ellen

"So..lauren? Would you like to discuss the whole situation?"

"Of course i would!!" Lauren smiled

"You was in a treament facility right?" Ellen questioned

"Yes i urm was getting help for many of my problems i faced, once of them was very public the day before i entered rehab. I struggled alot with drinking and drugs, but i'm on a healthy road now." Lauren smiled

"Is that all you was treated for?"

"Well no, i was treated for anorexia,bulimia,self harm,anxiety/paranoia and traumatic experiences. I had a whole lot of problems that i hid very well from the world."

"So did any of you girls notice?"

"Well you see, camila was the first person to find out.. Then it was ally and me, then dinah. There was a whole big situation with this and yes, id say it effected us all." Normani replied honestly

"I think no one would ever have understood what was going on with me, i was very sneaky, but these girls managed to put up with me ALOT an no one will ever be able to imagine the situations they where put in under the household we live in.." Lauren admitted looking over me then quickly glancing away.

"So basically alot of things that you hope the world dont ever find out?" Ellen giggled

"Yes exactly!" Dinah added

"I think that this group is a very strong group and without one member, there would be alot different. You are all very strong women and the amount you have all been through is outstanding. And also well done Lauren for taking the responsibility to undergo treatment."

"Thank you!" We all said at the same time.

"Well thats a wrap!! Thank you fifth harmony for joining me ill see yall later BYEEE!!!" Ellen waved and we all said goodbye to her.



once we reaches home, we decided to all go watch a film. Demi is away for the weekend so its just us in the house. We all sat together watching chick flicks, then fell soundly asleep in each others arms.

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