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We had a weekend off today, so straight away I flew to meet my main,Luis.

"Luis" i pushed my hair back and looked up to luis with my deep eyes.

"Baby" we hugged so tight and kissed. His lips are so perfect and soft.

"Come on.." I said mysteriously leading the way.

Whenever I'm around luis, my character becomes dark,mysterious, dangerous. I show him in charge and I think he finds this side of me very sexy.

once we hid away behind a bush in an abandoned field, luis pulled out the pain fixer and started to make up the spliff.

"You can go first, I can tell by your wrist that you need this.." He raised his eyebrows and looked down to my wrist.

I held the joint in between my fingers and inhaled the weed.

I took a swig of the pure vodka and in 10 minutes I was out of it.

I love luis, I mean he knew I needed this. I love being High and drunk out my brains to because you get to be in your own world, away from the pain and hurt. happy for once. I fell back on the ground next to luis and giggled with him. We looked up at the stars and eventually fell asleep in the dark night together at 4am.


what the hell

Fuck. I woke up next to luis, behind a bush in a lost field.

My head ached and banged as if someone was whacking it from inside.


"LAUREN WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? You was supposed to be at rehearsals for 11:00am."



"Cam listen can you cover for me please I'm um I'm-"

"Spit it out loz"

"I'm away still, about 45 minutes away so yea I'm not getting to any rehearsals any time soon, so say I'm sick or something"

"Tell me where you are lauren.."

"I'm away camz"

"With who?"

"I'm with luis.."


"Cammm don't shout, and no I didn't have sex" ( not that I'd remember ..)

"Lauren you have to get here, everyone's going mad.."

"Yea okay I'll get there"


"Wait .. Cam? Where's 'there'"

"Mexico City lauren.."

"Oh yea of course I'll be there in an hour"

How the hell am I going to get to Mexico...

"Luis, please get up I have to go I'm so late, I have to get to Mexico City and I don't know how I'm gonna get there and please help what should I do?"

"Babeeee, I'll sort it out.."

"Come on then get up quick" I said as I pulled him up and grabbed his phone.

He still seems drunk and I still feel drunk and high too but I have to snap out of if.

"By the way babe, your'e good when you're drunk and high you know" luis laughed while he winked at me

"LUIS! We had sex ?!"

"Erm, yea lauren... Idiot."

"Oh, yea it's okay! I don't care anyway"

I really do love Luis but sometimes he can be snappy. It's okay though, he's just stressed.



I dragged myself and luis up into the dressing room of the Mexico venue.

My heart was going so quick, as I thought what the girls where going to say when I faced them. There going to hate me all over again. Camila will hate luis even more. Ugh I fucked up again.

I eventually heard speaking getting louder and louder as we ran down the hallway. We finally found the room and I grabbed luis' hand and slowly opened the door. I peaked my head in and let out a nervous smile before walking in with luis.

"h-hi" all the girls looked at me as I spoke and my voice cracked from the big lump of nerves in my throat.





"Hey luis"camila added

Okay so there being completely normal ...

"Lolo, your outfit is in the bathroom and Sarah is downstairs waiting to do your hair and makeup. So yea get changed first then go down" dinah ordered me.

"Okay.." I turned to luis and gave him a hug and a kiss before he left me again.

"I love you"

"I love you too"



Hey guys !!!!!!! So it's Nicole and I just wanted to say that I hope you're enjoying the story and maybe comment or like if your reading so I can follow you! Love you 😜💜)

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