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I walked turned round the corner with my bags and walked down the looooonngggg corridor to my dressing room. We all had our own dressing rooms at this venue which is great !!! Well it is New York..

Anyway so I was walking Down the corridor and I could hear shouting and pleading coming from my room. This was so weird and I was so scared because nobody should have been In there.

The voice that was shouting sounded a lot like luis, Lauren's boyfriend .. So I picked up my pace and reached the door. What was behind the door is something I never want to remember. I slammed through the door and my world stopped in that very moment. Lauren was on the floor looking cold and ... Dead. She had blood around her and I ha no idea where it was coming from. Luis hadn't seen me yet an I was just stood there on the spot. Froze. My legs, literally couldn't move as everything went in slow motion. I watched Laurens body become weak and her arms lost grip from her body as she tried to protect herself. My princess was giving up. I can't imagine the pain she had just gone through and I wasn't there to protect her. Nobody was. I got carried away with my thoughts and focused back to him. He raised his foot and stomped it down on my baby's head. Making a small amount of blood escape. I thought she looked dead before, but as soon as he did that I saw the little but of light slip away from her and all I could think was that she wouldn't make it through.

"Stop luis please stop" I screamed as I ran towards him, shaking

"Oh look who it is! Karla camila cabello trying to save her 'Bestfriend' yanno camila, she doesn't care about you."

"Yes.. She does luis."

"She's pissed at you !!! She always complains how you're not there for her, and you just care about yourself"

"No! I'm always here for lauren and she knows it! I love her"

"If you was there for her.. She would have told you that she cut? Yea she told me. She would have told you that she purges and she's anorexic? Did she tell you why ? If you was there for her she wouldn't be getting high or drunk every time she's alone. your have never been supportive of her and you no it. You've been a shit friend and now .. What you gonna do now camila ?"


"Happily, oh and lauren baby can't wait for you to rot in hell!!" He laughed and walked out.

I would have chased after him but there was not enough time. I had to get lauren to a hospital and quick. For all I know she could already be dead.



I was downstairs in the canteen of the New York venue when Mila ran up to me in the middle of a panic attack.

I've calmed ally down from panic attacks before, as she has lots of them, but I had no idea what was wrong with Mila.

"camila can you hear my breathing?"

she nodded

"Yes so copy it, deep breathe in, and out, in and out."

After five minutes I managed to calm her down and stop her from crying.

"Now what is it?"

"You have to come and help me I've called an ambulance for lauren she's upstairs and luis hurt her and"

And soon as I heard ambulance and upstairs I ran as quick as I could. I had no idea what was happening but it was obviously serious. I ran into milas room and saw lauren lying there looking lifeless. As my jaw dropped two men came running in with a stretcher and carried lauren out in a rush.

Me and camila jumped in the car and drove right behind them. Yes neither of us have or driving licence but camila has her permit so that's basically a licence... To be honest in that moment neither of us cared.


Lauren has been In surgery for 3 hours now, and ally and dinah have arrived at the hospital. Camila is sat in the corner huddled up crying. This is hurting her the most because she had something 'special' with lauren. Ally is sobbing as keeps praying but she's really trying to keep all of us strong and positive. Dinah is just pacing back and forth the private waiting room we have to ourselves. I'm in shock. A daze. I don't know what I'm going to do if she has some serious injuries or problems because I need lauren. We all need lauren. It's so quite and the only sound is whimpers, whispers and wandering.

The door creeped open and in walked Lauren's mom and dad walked in with a complete blank expression. They had tear tracks that where dripping off there cheeks. They both sat down in silence.

"How long?"Lauren's mom asked

"3 hours.."I replied," we still haven't heard anything"

And with that a doctor walked in and sat down.

"Hello, my name is doctor mirena and I have good and bad news about lauren Jauregui.."

"Go on.." We all gathered round him waiting for the news.. Except for camila. She was still curled up In a ball crying.

"Good news is that she has survived kidney failure and a clotting in the brain. The state she was in was critical and there was only 3% she would survive through this."

"Oh my god thank god" Lauren's mom dropped into her husbands arms.

The rest of the girls smiled but sat still waiting for the bad news.

"Lauren has liver damage from alcohol and her lungs are damaged from drugs. We noticed that her oesophagus is damaged. We are guessing that because of her very very low weight that she has even purging. She also has a lot of red lines on her wrist and legs and other body areas. Indicating self harm. Lauren seems to have damaged herself a lot more than luis may have. A lot of the cuts are open wounds and some are deep. We have to take this very seriously. Did you know that lauren was doing this?" Dr Mirena questioned us all.

"Yes.." Camila sat up but hung her head down low.

"We will have to deal with this when she wakes up, but her is the worse news"

"It gets worse..." Lauren's mom sighed

"Lauren is in a coma.. We don't know how Long for and we have our highest hopes that she will wake up.."

The room burst out into fresh tears

"We have realised that lauren even surviving at all was a big accomplishment and usually we wouldn't have much hope, but lauren is strong and she is pulling through. We're going to try out hardest to do anything to wake her up from this coma, you can trust lauren with us, me and my team will take good care of her"

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