Chapter 107|How We Are|

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"It's no use. I don't see anyone from our class," Shoji said.

"Maybe they're in a different area," Asui responded.

"Most likely," Shoji agreed. "Yoayorozu, you head the broadcast, right? The number of how many have passed is already past fifty," Shoji informed Momo.

"We should give up on finding everyone else and start fighting, don't you think?" Asui suggested.

"Yes, you're right," Momo said before being shushed by Jirou.

"I hear footsteps from four people on the stairs, about ten floors below. They're coming up!" Jirou informed the group.

"Are they after us?" Shoji asked, getting ready to fight.

"It bothers me that there are only four coming. All the schools should be moving in bigger teams than that," Jirou pondered.

"Maybe their companions were defeated and there running away to hide here," Asui responded.

"No, that's not what it sounds liked. They're still climbing up," Jirou informed the group.

"There must be more of them. A distraction? Or..." Momo whispered to herself.

One of the people played a radio as loud as they could. Jirou screamed because of how loud the noise was, taking her jacks out of the wall.

Shoji turned the end of one of his arms into an ear and pressed it against the wall.

"There's music. I'm fine, but hearing this suddenly would've been hard on Jirou," Shoji explained.

"So they know Kyoka's quirk and are interfering with it on purpose," Asui pointed out, sounding shocked.

"They must be after us, then," Shoji agreed.

"This is bad. Now we can't tell where our opponents are," Momo mumbled.

Suddenly, something caused the windows to shatter, but not break, making it almost impossible to see through them.

"Hide!" Momo yelled.

"Attack from outside?!" Jirou hissed.

"Are they trying to keep my from using my eyes too?" Shoji asked, it obviously being a rhetorical question. "Yoayorozu, what is our opponent after?" Shoji asked Momo.

"They're probabaly trying to keep us rooted here," Momo responded.

"And then they'll surround us, huh?" Asui asked.

"Yes, we should probabalt assuke that they're already close by," Momo responded.

Jirou linked her ear jacks into devices connected to her gloves that allowed her to make extremely strong vibrations.

"Then we need to fight!" Jirou yelled, running from her hiding spot behind a part of the wall.

"We can't move carelessly!" Momo yelled.

"HEARTBEAT DIST—!" Jirou yelled, being cut off by two rays destroying the devices on her hands.

Jirou went back to her hiding spot.

"Are you hurt?" Momo asked from where she was hiding.

"They got my amp! And my left ear," Jirou informed the group as her left ear jack dripped blood.

Whoever their opponents were, they had predicted her actions. Their opponent had figured out what each of them were going to do.

"Does it feel a little colder to you?" Shoji asked.

Plus Ultra|Shouto Todoroki x Reader x Izuku MidoriyaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora