Hugo Info

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Hey! This was requested and I thought it would help out with quite a few things! Also, I thought it would be good for people who skipped the previous chapter to be able to skip to something xD

Hugo Seito is a teenage boy
(Y/N)'s age. (Y/N)'s past best friend and love interest. Now, he works under All For One as part of the League of Villains, where he has worked for years.

When Hugo was four years old, his twin brother, George, became severely ill. George was residing in the hospital, and Hugo went to go visit him. Hugo's parents told Hugo to wait outside George's room as they talked to a nurse about something.

Hugo sat outside the room like he was told and was approached by a teenage boy who wore a black hoodie and a pair of baggy jeans. The boy asked where the restroom was.

Hugo stood up and pointed the restroom out to the teenage boy, Hugo standing in front of him. Suddenly, the teenage boy covered Hugo's head with a bag and knocked him across the head, causing him to black out.

The teenage boy then used his quirk to make him and Hugo invisible, dragging him out the hospital and into the car, where he drove Hugo to Kyojin.

Kyojin had already collected Roma and Jake, so he injected all three of them with the serum during the same night. They all screamed in pain. The next day, all three of them were ill, but had gained quirks.

Hugo's Quirk

Hugo's quirked caused him to mainly only help others with missions, but during his time with the Five Lies, he only helped you out with missions.

He has the ability to create force fields, but he can only create one at a time. If he activates a new forcefield while already having one active, the other one will deactivate to allow the new one to form.

The only catch is that he must know the dimensions of the forcefield he intended to form, so during his training he learned a lot of math.

Hugo's Personality

Hugo was generally quiet. He didn't exactly enjoy the company of other people, generally finding them all annoying, and didn't fail to let them know how he felt. He wasn't exactly a cheerful person, only a group of people had seen him smile. Generally a pessimist. He never really talked to anyone, but he talked to (Y/N).

Hugo was different with (Y/N). He was more confident with her, always much more cheerful. He was silly, funny, kind, caring, sometimes even flirty towards her. He was even kinder to Rei because of her.

Hugo was a bit cold towards Rei, but he allowed himself to show some emotions around him.

Hugo and All For One's Relationship

All For One was good to Hugo, unlike Kyojin. All For One gave him a safe place to stay, and gave him food to eat. All For One even allowed Hugo to go out just to check up on (Y/N).

Still, Hugo was wary around All For One. He was suspicious and his actions were definitely questionable. He supported the kidnapping of (Y/N) and suggested that she had been injected with the remaining of the serum.

All For One took good care of Hugo, seeing him as a good connector with (Y/N). He didn't spend much time with Hugo, but he liked him.

Hugo and (Y/N)'s Relationship

As children, (Y/N) and Hugo became very close friends, eventually turning into something a bit more. They were only kids, but they recognized that there was something more.

When (Y/N) had lost all her memories, Hugo saw her in her backyard and decided to try to talk to (Y/N). When he tried, she didn't recognize him and looked very uncomfortable. Hugo couldn't handle it and just left, too scared to talk to her again.

Hugo would just check up on (Y/N), making sure she was okay. He watched (Y/N) on the TV while she was at the sports festival. When Shigaraki looked like he was about to kill (Y/N) at USJ, he was about to create a forcefield around her until heroes showed up.

Hugo was in love with (Y/N), and he only wanted the best for her. He wanted nothing less than the best for her, even if it meant that she would hate him or she would think that he hated her. No matter what, he would keep her safe and keep her happy.

Hugo's Appearance

Hugo had always been quite attractive, and he knew it. He didn't really care, but he knew. He had messy, black hair and vibrant red eyes.

Hugo was quite toned, about as muscular as Shouto. His skin was pale, and he had a bright smile. He often wore fancy black clothes, rarely wearing casual clothing. His face was completely free of any stubble.

Hugo was 187.9 centimeters tall (6'2). He was very tall for his age, and this made him appear like an adult. Sadly, this didn't help with him blending in because he seemed to tower over everyone.

Why Hasn't Hugo Contacted His Family?

Hugo was scared of what would happen if he contacted his family. He feared of what they would think of him, but above all, he wanted to keep them safe. He sometimes would check up on George, looking into the café he worked at, but never dared to enter.

Hugo was quite amused when he realized that George had become a fan of (Y/N) after the sports festival.

Was Hugo the one who approached (Y/N) at the Sports Festival?

No. He only watched the Sports Festival through a TV. He was very upset when he saw the kiss between (Y/N) and Izuku, Bud was amused when he noticed how jealous Shouto was. Glaring at them as they kissed, angrily fighting against Izuku and hearing some of the conversation between (Y/N) and Shouto.

Hugo Working With Touya

Hugo had some conversations with Dabi, but they never lasted long. Hugo thought something was familiar about Dabi, but he failed to connect Dabi. Dabi's hair and his burned skin made him appear much different even though he was Rei's identical twin.

Dabi, or Touya, was constantly worried about Hugo suddenly realizing who he was.

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