[chapter 3]

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Madison opens the door and immediately runs towards Patrick? What the actual fuck? How does she know him. And did she not see me? I wam standing right in front of her.

"Patrick." she squeals.

"Can't breathe here" he almost chokes.

"Sorry." and it is my turn now.

"I'm so happy you came." she says and hugs me.

"Let me introduce you. Patrick this is Ellie, Ellie this is Patrick." she continues.

"We've already met, Mad." Patrick and I say in unison and right after that we stare at each other.

"Whoa?!" she is surprised.

"This is the Patrick guy I was talking about today, Mad." I say.

"What?" Patrick asks but I brush him off.

We walk in and I ask Mad to tell me how she met Patrick. She tells me that she met him this summer, they were both camping with the same group. 

"Yeah, she was quite a pain in the ass this summer." Patrick laughs and Madison frowns at him but he quickly throws his arms around her. Am I missing something here?

"Oh no! Hell no! We're just friends." Mad says. Is she reading my mind?

"Well, excuse me I have to go meet the other guests as well." and with that she leaves.

I go to the kitchen as well to find something to drink. It was a crappy day for me and I need something strong. After a couple of drinks and a couple of dances with random guys and Mad, I am just too tired to continue. I fall on the couch and I just observe every couple in the party dancing and kissing. I miss my boy. I miss Kevin so much. But what can I do? Kevin is my boyfriend but he left from America 4 months ago. He had to go with his parents in Greece. They won't come back for at least 3 more months. His parents are both army officers and they have to travel a lot.

I suddenly feel really depressed because in two weeks I will face the hardest lost in my life and Kevin won't be here. I am all alone. I decide to go upstairs to Mad's room and rest for a while. I just need to think.

I gp to her room and when I enter I am happy that it wasn't occupied. If you get what I mean. I decide to call Kevin. I don't care even if he is in Greece. I will call him.

After two rings, he picks it up.

"Ellie?" he asks.

"Kevin, how are you.?" it is a bit awkward because we haven't spoken for the past two weeks or so.

"I'm fine, babe how about you?" he asks. He called me babe again. That is our way to know that everything is fine between us even though we are separated because of this huge distance.

"I can't say the same." I say.

"What's wrong?" he asks. I can hear the pure concern behind his voice.

"My mom." 

"What happened....oh my god...don't tell me what i'm thinking about." he says pretty sad.

"No she's okay....I mean she is not okay but you understand. Two weeks Kev, two freaking weeks." I am sobbing now.

"Come again?!"

"Yes Kev, two weeks is all I got with her." I cry.

"Baby, I'm so sorry I can't be there with you. I miss you so much. I'll do my best to be there. I'll come back soon. Tomorrow if possible." he says but I know this can't happen.

"You can't do that. What about your parents?" I ask.

"I don't care. You're more important for me. I'm serious, in two days I'll be back home babe." he tells me and we hang up.

I collapse on the bed and then the door opens from Mad's room and Patrick comes in.

"Should I go?" he asks.

"No but why are you here?"

"I just got bored. And I came here. I heard someone talking on the phone so I waited. I didn't know it was you." he explains.

"How long have you been here?" 

"Long enough to hear about your mum. Mind if I join?" he says and when I tell him that it is okay he lays down beside me on the bed.

"Ugh...." that was all I manage to say before I burry my head in my hands.

I feel the bed shift and I feel him steady himself on his one hand. I can feel his eyes on my face. I don't want his pity though.

Kevin is the opposite of Patrick. In looks. If you see Kevin for the first time you will think that he is a player and a bad boy. He isn't though. He is so sweet and totally understanding with me. Patrick on the other hand, if you meet him for the first time you will get the idea that he is a good boy and always caring. Though I don't know if it's true. He looks like it but I don't know his personality.

"Ellie," he snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Yes?" I say.

"Are you okay?"

"No....how could I possibly be okay with my mum dying in two weeks?" I say sarcastically.

His face drops and he stares at the ground. Well, it's my fault. I don't mean to be mean.

"Sorry. It's just that I'm not feeling well. I didn't mean to be mean." I say.

"Oh, no! I am sorry. I shouldn't have asked. I knew you weren't okay and I pushed you." he argues and turns his face to me again. 

This is the first time that I take a good look of his gorgeous green-blueish eyes. If that's even a word. His features are so...so...perfect. His small nose. His pink lips that are now slightly parted. His eybrows that are almost knitted together because of his expression. An expression of saddnes and sympathy.

I don't notice that I am leaning in. But Patrick is leaning in as well and before we both know it, our lips touch and they are moving in sync. None of us breaking the kiss. He places his hands on my waist and I move mine on his neck. The kiss never breaking. No tongue. Just a sweet kiss. A kiss that makes me feel like a huge weight is lifted from my chest. A kiss that comforts me so much and I don't want to break it.

But it is wrong. I can't do that to Kevin. I love him.

I pull back.

"This is wrong." I say and storm out of the room and out in the living room. The party is still going but I take my car keys and leave the house.

What have I just done?

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