[chapter 2]

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'Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be...as a friend as a friend, as an old evemy' I nearly fall off of the bed when my alarm goes off.

Not much happened yesterday. I returned home. I was still angry but what could I do?

I get up from my bed and go to the bathroom with a towel in my hands, my underwear, my clothes for the day and my toilletries. I take a quick shower and wrap the towel around my dropping wet body. I dry my hair which fall straight till my middle back and then start applying make up. A bit of foundation a thin line of eye-liner and mascara.

I get dressed in my black shorts, a red oversized t-shirt, my black socks which reached my ankles and my black vans. I get out of the bathroom and back into my room. I grab my backpack and my car keys and get out of the room heading to the stairs. I go to the kitchen and my dad is there. I take an apple and try to leave but he calls out for me.


"What?" I snap at him.

"Can we talk?" he asks.

"NO" I call and leave the house. I walk towards my car, which I really love by the way. It's my baby. I open the door and sit in. I put the key in the ignition and drive off to school.

Gladly I arrive after only 10 minutes. It is usually a 20 minutes drive but thanks to the lack of traffic it took me only ten today. I walk through the school gates and I am immediately greeted by an extremely happy Madison. She's my best friend if you wonder.

"Morniiiing." she hugs me.

"Morning. Why so happy?" I ask. 

"What day is today, Ellie?" she looks a bit angry when I show her that I don't remember.

"Oh, I remembered." I say and she pulls a smile to her face.

"Tell me," she claps her hands. Madison if you wonder is a brown haired girl with brown eyes, neither very tall nor very short. She has a quite tan skin and yeah that's pretty much all.

"Today is the day that an idiot was born to make my life extremely unpleasant." I say with a smile and she pouts.

"Just kidding! Happy birthday Mad."  I pull her into my arms.

"Don't call me that." she dares.

"Oh, please.." I say and we walk towards our first class, American Literature.


Finally, this was a long day I just want to go home. After all today my best friend throws a party for her birthday and I have to be there. But I also have to get prepared. I have already got her present. Nothing much. Just a purple Vans jacket she wanted for so long. But I give her my love everyday so that's a present too haha.

Well, today I also have to face my dad because of my outburst the other day. But this can wait. I drive home and when I arrive I notice that my dad's car isn't on the driveway so that means I have the house all to myself. Though all I want to do is sleep. 

I get out of my car and speed up to the door. I unlock it and run upstairs to my room. I throw my backpack on the floor, take my shoes off and jump on my bed. And before I know it, I am fast asleep.

It is not long before I hear the door of my room creak open and I immediately open my eyes. 

"Sweetie." my dad says.

"Oh you." I reply annoyed.

"There is a misunderstanding." he starts explaining.

"Oh, really? Enlighten me." I say sarcastically.

"Anne was your mother's friend." he say.

"I know that?"

"Yeah, but she was my friend as well." he continues.

"And Bobby, the neighbor, is your friend but you don't flirt with him." I tell him, still annoyed.

"I wasn't flirting with her." 

"I saw you, dad." 

"The only woman I love is your mother. That's where I was till now." he smiles.

"And you think that because you went for a visit there to see her, I can forgive you?" I ask.

"But I did nothing wrong." the smile drops off of his face.



"You want something else?" 

"I talked with your mum's doctor today.." that is of my concern now.

"What did he tell you?"

"Your mum is getting worse." he says and a tear rolls down his cheek but he quickly wipes it away.  He loves her. I can see that. I was just caught off guard with him and Anne laughing and smiling to each other every so and then.

"What do you mean?"

"Two weeks, Ellie. Mr Henderson told me," I can't hear the rest of it. I am too busy trying to find my way out of this nightmare. 

Two weeks? Two weeks? Two freaking weeks? 

"Ellie?" my dad snaps me out of my thoughts. He can't be serious. I am crying my eyes out.

"Talk to me." my dad says.

"Two weeks?" I ask sobbing.


"And then? What am I supposed to do after that. I'm not ready yet to leave her. I can't do that. No no no no no." I am being delirious at the moment. But it is just that....ugh....

My dad pulls me into a hud and wispers soothing words into my ear. Though, nothing can soothe my pain right now. He just told me that my mum, my beloved mum will die in two weeks. In two fucking weeks. How am I supposed to deal with that?


"Really, Mad I'm not in the mood for parties now." I tell Madison.

"NO! You can't leave me alone! It's my birthday, Ellie. I can't spend it without you. You're my bestie." she speaks through the phone.

"But, try to understand please." I told her earlier about my mum.

"Yeah, I understand but Ellie if you keep doing this to yourself...ugh...I don't know. It's just that you can't hide from the truth. It's something that you can't help. Your mum wants you to be happy and have fun in your life. She doesn't want to see you sad. How will she feel if she knows that she'll leave you here crying about her every day? You'll make her 10 times worse. You should live your life Ellie. I'll always be here. And she will be here to watch over you." she finishes her speech.

"Okay." I give in.

"Really?" she squeals.

"Yeah. I will get myself ready and I'll be there in half an hour, I think." 

"I'll be waiting." and she hangs up.

I get up from my bed and head to my closet. I find a black dress which reaches my middle thighs and is strapless. I wear it and wear my black wedges. I comb my hair and leave them natural. Straight as they are. I apply my make up which consists of a bit of foundation, mascara and a thin line of eye liner. I take the bag with Madison's present and my car keys and walk out of the room. 

I go to my dad's room and inform him that I will be out tonight to Madison's party and I will stay there the night. He says it is okay so I leave the house.

After a 20 minute drive, I arrive at Madison's house and I am taken aback when I notice the silver BMW that I saw the other day when Patrick came to find me, out of Madison's driveway. And then Patrick gets out of the car. I get out as well.

What is he doing here? 

He notices me and walks towards my direction.

"Hi" he greets.

"Hey." I say and we walk towards the front door.

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