[chapter 10]

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His tongue slides once more in my mouth and moves in sync with mine. His taste is oddly familiar and this makes me want to continue this forever. Now I'm not worried about cheating. I am single and I will do as I please right?


He moves his hand down my stomach and reaches the hem of my jeans. He lingers there for a second as if to ask for permission. I nod and he continues. He frees me of my pants and now I am left only in my underwear. He is on top of me now but I make a quick move and flip us over so that now I am straddling him.

I lean in again and I kiss him passionately. He moves his hands on my back and I shiver. Don't judge. Its still cold in here. He pulls me down to his body so that our chests touch. He breaks the kiss and just holds me there.

What the actual fuck?

Why did he stop?

"I think that's enough for today. I think you will regret everything tomorrow and I'm not up for your mood swings so let's just stay here together." He explains.

Why would I regret this? Its not as if I am drunk. But probably he is right. I most likely would regret it.

I hit his chest playfully.

"What was that for?" He pouts.

"Because you're a smart ass and a huge -oh no a massive idiot" I smile.

Why am I smiling at him?

I don't even bother to wear my clothes again. I just grab his T-shirt off the floor and wear it. I go back into his arms and he wraps the blanket around us.

I don't even realize how quick time passes by because I feel myself drifting off to sleep.


I feel someone playing with my hair and that's what wakes me. I love it when people play with my hair.

I slowly open one eye to see Patrick staring at me. This is the first time I notice how handsome he is. With his messy hair and his green-blueish eyes and his now exposed chest. He is what every girl would ask from a gorgeous but also a supportive and kind man.

And that's when it hits me.

I am supposed to hate this man but here I am cuddled in his arms thinking how handsome he is. What is wrong with me?

"Like what you see?" He says when he catches me staring at him.

"I've seen better." I smirk.

"Who? That douche bag you call a boyfriend?" He laughs and his laugh passes right through me trough the spot where our chests touch. Its like his laugh awakens something inside me but I can't put my finger on what it is.

"Don't you ever mention him again and he is not my boyfriend." I say angrily.

"Last time I checked, he was kissing you in our sofa."

"Our?" I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Look now I live there too so...."

"Yeah whatever." I say and try to get out of his grip but he tightens his arms around me.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"To pee. Do I have to ask your permission?" I say sarcastically.

"No, of course no. You can go."

I get up and go to the small bathroom. I pee, wash my hands, my face and my teeth and when I get back Patrick is still on the mattress snoring slightly. Did he fall asleep again?

I walk to his side to wake him up. I lower myself so that my face is inches away from his ear. Oh this should be fun. I plan on screaming so loud in his ear to wake him up. And as I am about to scream he opens his eyes and grabs my waist with his arms and pins me down the mattress. He is on top of me and with one hand he holds me in place and with the other he supports his weight.

"Did you really think that I would let you scream in my ear till you made me go deaf?" He laughs.

Here's that laugh again.

"Maybe?" I smile.

What's it with me that whenever he is here I'm in a good and playful mood? I should trully check that.

Once again I am distracted by his lips hovering over mine. Our lips touch ever so slightly and its a kind and soft gesture nothing rough like yesterday. What are we doing? And most importantly what AM I DOING?

I can't control myself anymore so I crash my lips with his. His lips feel so soft against mine and its an amazing feeling. I think I can't get enough of him because I put my hands around his neck and push him down on me and deepen the kiss. My tongue explores his mouth and his does the same with mine.

He places his right hand on the waistband of my panties and when I think he will pull them down, he just lays it there and after a bit he moves it upwards lifting his shirt over my body.

I break the kiss and he lifts the T-shirt completely over my head and tosses it beside him.

I pull him again towards me in order to continue our make out but he doesn't bulge.

He just grabs his T-shirt and wears it. He then winks at me and smiles.

"I was cold so I found a way to distract you in order to get back my T-shirt" he says.

"You could have just asked." I groan.

"That wouldn't be nearly as entertaining as this was" he winks again.

"Fucking tease" I can't wipe that damn smile of my face god damn it. What is happening to me? I hope I will get over whatever this is soon or else I think I'll go crazy.

I look over at him one last time before I get up and get dressed. The whole time I try to get dressed I feel his eyes rake down my body. I never felt embarrassed about my body. After all I was an athletic type of person and I had trained my body hard.

Back to the point though. I need some time to think about what was that that happened between us today and yesterday night. I think I'm gonna go get that tattoo today and after that I will have plenty of time to think about what happens the past twenty four hours. I will think about everything that happened. About me and Kevin and the situation we are in.

But most importantly I will think about what happened with me  and Patrick. Of course it doesn't mean anything. Right? Or maybe it does? Oh god. I am already going crazy.

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