[chapter 18]

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As soon as I hear my alarm go off I jump out of bed. I have to go to my job early. There is an English group that I have to feed with my knowledge for the city.

I'm so excited. I open the closet and and stare at it for a while. Oh fuck. What am I going to wear? I can't wear just my normal clothes. I start searching for something beautiful and also collected but in fashion as well. I find blue skirt that reaches my middle thighs and I also see a some black high waist jeans. I opt for the jeans. I think I'll be more comfortable. I find a blue crop top and I match it with my jeans. Its not too revealing. And after all I'm still young. I won't get dressed like a forty year old.

I decide to wear my black vans seeing as I will have to do a lot o walk in around the city today. After wearing my clothes I go to the bathroom to finish my hear and make up.

First of all, however, I decide to pee. I can't hold it any longer. Haha. I wash my hands. I also wash my face and comb my naturally straight and now red hair.

I apply some foundation and then I start on my eyes. I draw a thin line of eyeliner and put some mascara on. I lastly put some lip gloss on my lips and I am ready.

Yeah. I am totally ready.

I take the bus as I always do and when I arrive I start running towards the office because I am five minutes late already. Nice Ellie you have your first group today and you are late. What will Markos think of you? I face palm myself.

When I reach the office I open the glass door and enter inside.

"Nick." I say breathless. He chuckles.

"Why are you running?" That accent. I can't contain my laughter anymore and I burst out laughing.

"You know, it is bad to make fun of others" he pouts.

"Oh, sorry Nick. I don't make fun of you. Its just that your accent is funny." I inform him.

He makes a grimace like he is about to cry and he places his right hand over his heart showing me that I hurt him.

"You hurt my feelings." He says.

"Sorry Nick." In tell him and go by his side. I wrap my arms around him and him.

He smiles.

"I'll get you a bottle of water." He says.

"Okay." I say and he goes at the back of the office.

When he returns he hands me the bottle and I drink almost all of it with the first gulp. No, I wasn't thirsty at all. Note the sarcasm here.

"Well your group will be waiting you at the central square. You should probably go now. Oh and in the afternoon we will go to a club. Don't you even think of arguing. I will take you out while you live here and in exchange you can learn to me some English." He blushes.

"It is 'teach me English' not 'learn to me'. Your grammar sucks." I stick my tongue at him, wave him goodbye and leave.

For today we have to go cruising in the lake.


We are now on one of the boats that takes around the lake to observe the whole city and also the small island in the middle of the lake. I start telling them about the story of Ali Pashas.

"..and then when he went to Ali Pasha and requested her death. Ali Pasha took Frosyni and some other women and he drowned them to this very lake Pamvotis." I finish of the story. I hear many gasps and some of them look at me with an expression like they are searching the answers in me. Like why did he do it? But I don't know myself how could he be so cruel. Anyway. That's just a story.

When the cruise is over the mass of people walk out of the boat and wait for their bus on order to return to their hotel. They don't need me for anything else for today.

"Okay people. Tomorrow we will visit the castle and the Byzantine museum." I tell them and just then the bus comes in a halt in front of us. I wait for them to leave and then I head back to the office. Nick is waiting for me there and when I enter I just plop down on one of the chairs.

"My feet are killing me!" I say exasperated.

"You should kill them too." He says and laughter to himself. Did he just try to crack a joke? I've come to notice that people here do this kind of jokes. I don't always find the funny but when I see Nick laugh to himself its kind of epic and I laugh too.

"Ready to hit Must?" He asks?

"Oh, let's just go by my apartment for a while. I need to rest and then get ready. Will you give me a lift?" I ask him.

"You can stay with me today ." I add.

"Okay. Let's eat at my house first. My mum told me that we should go because she cooked moussaka. She wants you to try it. We will eat there and I will get my clothes and we can go back to your place." He tells me.

"Fine lover boy." I say. That's what I call him because every time we go out together he never fails to amuse me with the tricks he uses to make girls drool over him like he is some kind of God.

Now we are at my place and I am almost ready when the phone rings but I and putting my dress on now and I can't pick it up.

So I ask Nick to answer it for me.

And he does.

"Hello." Hr speaks.

"Oh she is getting dressed at the moment." He continues.

"Ellie, some Patrick guy wants to speak to you." He turns to me.

I quickly run to the living room and take the cell phone from Nick.

"Nick, please zip my dress. I can't reach to do it myself." I tell Nick and then turn to the cell phone in my hands.


"Ellie. You found yourself a boyfriend already I see." He says a bit bitterly.

"Oh no. He is just a friend." I say although I don't know why I feel the need to explain myself at Patrick.

"Yeah yeah I believe you." He laughs a bit.

"I miss you." He says suddenly.

"I miss you too stupid." I answer and then the connection fails us and I can't hear him anymore.


My stepbrother and Iحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن