[chapter 27]

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Nick and I go downstairs and the image from earlier hasn't changed. Patrick and Nicole are still making out on the armchair.

Nick clears his throat and then turns to me.

"Baby let's go for a movie." What is he doing? He told me to admit that I lied and now he plays along?

"Yeah. Why not? Let's go babe." I say and give him a look of confusion.

Then I turn to look at Patrick and sure enough he is looking st us with an odd expression. Like he is mad.

What now Patrick? If you can stay with Nicole then I can be with Nick. Suck it up now.

I glare at him and then give him an ironic smile.

"Would you like to tag along?" Nick asks them.

"That would be perfect." Patrick says and gets up. Nicole smiles at us.

We separate in order to get ready. Nick goes to the guest room . I go to mine and Patrick goes to his. Nicole is already ready and waits for us in the living room. I decide to wear something simple. I go for my black jeans, a black crop top and my combat boots.

I tie my hair in a high ponytail and take a look in the mirror. I should put some mascara and eyeliner. I do exactly that and then leave my room. I go straight to the guest room and when I open the door Nick is only in his boxers and tries to grab his jeans in order to wear them.

"What the fuck Ellie. I am half naked." He complains.

"I've seen you before."

"What do you want?" He asks while he gets ready.

"Why did you go along with my lie?" I ask.

"Because you are my best friend and I know how much you hurt when you see him with her. And I know how much it bothers him when I call you 'baby'." He explains.

"But you will still tell him the truth. I don't know when but try to be quick. I'll pretend to be your boyfriend for today but only for today. Please do the right thing." He adds.

"I love you Nick." I tell him and give him a hug.

We exit the room and go downstairs. Nicole and Patrick are waiting for us.

We leave the house and take my dad's car. Patrick is driving and Nicole is on the passenger's seat. Nick and I are sitting at the back. Nick takes my hand in his and rubs it gently.

Patrick looks at us from the mirror and Nick comes closer to me and kisses me on my neck. He plays his role excellent. Patrick steps hard on the brakes and I fly forward but Nick holds me from my waist before I hit my head on Nicole's seat.

"Are you trying to kill us?" Nick shouts.

"Sorry I think I saw a cat and I didn't want to kill her." Patrick apologizes.

"You almost killed my girlfriend." Nick yells once again.

"Sorry Ellie." Patrick tells me.

"What's going on in your mind baby?" Nicole asks Patrick .

"Nothing. I'm fine. We are here. You can get off now." He says and we do just that.

We walk in the cinema and I go straight to get us tickets for the 'Conjuring 2'.

We also buy popcorns and then walk in the room where the movie will be played.

I sit between Patrick and Nick and Nicole is sitting on Patrick's right side.

Something is going to happen tonight. I know it and my instincts are never wrong.


The movie has so many jumpscares and Nicole is always shouting. I am not afraid of horror movies so for me it's easy to watch.

We are already at the middle of the movie when I sense a hand from my right side holding mine. But from my right side I have Patrick. What is he doing? I turn to him and he pleads me with his eyes to let him hold my hand.

But I don't.

I jerk my hand from his and instead hold Nick's hand and place my head on his right shoulder. Patrick eyes me and then turns to Nicole.

He is such an hypocrite. I want to hate him with all my heart but I can't. And that's a really bad thing.

The movie ends and we are ready to leave. We exit the room and then we walk to my dad's car.

After a ten minute drive we all get off from the car and I go immediately inside the house to get the keys for my hut.

When I go back outside the guys haven't moved from their earlier positions.

"I'll go to my hut for the night." I break the silence.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Nick asks.

"No it's okay." I tell him.

"I want to be alone." I add.

"Okay love." He winks at me and Patrick clears his throat.

"I'll go with Nicole now. Good night." He says.

Nick goes inside the house. Nicole and Patrick walk down the road to her house and I take the opposite road to go to the hut.

When I arrive I open the door an take a look inside.

Holy shit.

This place is amazing. Eddie and his friends really did a nice job. The mattress is still where I left it and when I walk closer to it I see my mum's letter sitting there. I sit down on the mattress and open the letter. I read it again and a single tear rolls down on my cheek. My lovely mother. That's the most personal thing o have from her. She poured her heart in this letter.

Before I notice it, my thoughts travel on her and I fall asleep with her beautiful face as the last thought in my mind.

I hope that I'll dream of her tonight.

I really really hope that. Cause I fucking missed her.

A pound on the door wakes me up. I see the clock on the wall and the time says its three o' clock in the morning. What the fuck? Who is pounding at my door now.

The only people who know where the hut is are Eddie, Patrick and Eddie's friends.

But it can't be Eddie.

Neither Patrick right?

I walk to the door and when I open it I am met with Patrick's face.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him and tell him to come in. He obliges and I close the door behind him.

"I came to see you." He simply says.

"What are you trying to accomplish Patrick?"

"Nothing?" It comes out of his mouth as a question.

"You can't be here now. You said I don't mean anything to you. You chose Nicole." I say.

"And you chose Nick." He looks down.

'Time for the truth Ellie.' The voice in my head says.

"That was a lie. I wanted to make you feel bad. Just the way you made me feel when you told my that I mean nothing to you." I admit.

"We both know that it was a lie. You know how much you mean to me." He says and comes closer to me but I step back.

"No. I don't know and I don't wanna know." I say sternly.

"Are you sure?" He comes even closer.

"Ye..ye..yes." I manage to say but he makes one more step closer to me and we both fall down on the mattress.

"You can't even utter a single word Ellie." He says and nears my face.

Our mouths inches apart.

"This is how much you mean to me." He says and then crashes his lips on mine.

My stepbrother and Iحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن