[chapter 33]

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I wake up to the noice of my alarm. New day begins. I get up from the bed and go straight to the bathroom. I take a look at the mirror and I take a deep breath and then face palm myself. My hair is a total mess and my face looks paler than ever. Am I ill? I don't feel ill. Anyway, I decide to take a quick shower. When I finish I wrap myself with a towel and then exit the bathroom. I find my suitcace and ponder over what clothes I should wear for the day. 

Because today is a special day. Today I'll go job hunting. I need a job now that I'm here because I won't continue with school or any academic studies for that matter. 

I decide to wear my black tight jeans, a purple tank top and my black combat boots.

I gather those clothes and a pair of black plain underwear and then go back to the bathroom. I get dressed quickly and go back to the main area of the hut hence where the kitchen is and where I lay my mattress and the small couch I have. You would say that is the whole hut consists of the kitchen, a small kind of 'living room' where I sleep and the bathroom. Pretty much this is all I need.

Okay I'm getting off topic now even in my head. I should start searching online to find some job adds maybe. I take Nick's laptop out of its case cause mine is low on battery.

I stare for good five minutes at the screen and the 'GOOGLE' page stares back at me. Well I should search something alright? I type 'job adds' and search for any suitable job for me in the local area.


Complete and utter nothing. If that even makes sense.

And when I'm about to drop my head on the table, something pops in the screen. An email. For Nick.

'Of course it would be for him. Its his laptop you idiot' the annoying voice in my head says.

Okay I'm going crazy and I mentally making dialogues with myself inside of my head. I should probably go see a doctor about this. Right? I'll keep that in mind.

Okay again I'm getting off track. Now, about the email. Do I open it?

No, no I shouldn't. I should wake him up and tell him that he has an email. Maybe it's something important. Then again I don't think that it is something of great importance. After all the person who sent the email is called 'sexy_cherry'. What the hell? 'Sexy_cherry'? Seriously. This is probably a girl. The picture shows the upper part of a woman's body. She wears a hot pink tank top and her cleavage is really revealing. What makes wanna burst out laughing, tough, is that in the middle of her bust lies a cherry. I mean seriously? I can't see her face in the picture but what I can see is her blonde hair. Okay the girl seems really hot but seriously? A cherry? And the name? How old is she?

I'll open it. After all Nick and I don't have secrets and if this is a possible girlfriend of his it will be fine to see what kind of girl she is. I hope he won't mind. But even if he does I don't care he won't stay mad for long. There's nothing that can come between our friendship.

I open it.

Oh my god. I just saw his name! Loverboy1. I'm laughing now. I can't hold it in anymore. But I don't want to wake him up yet. And believe me my laughter can wake a whole building of nine floors up. So I try to muffle my laughs by putting my hands over my mouth.

When I completely stop I turn my attention back to the emails between 'loverboy1' and 'sexy_cherry'.

She writes:
I would love to meet you sometime lover boy but I don't think that the right time is now. We can continue our playful emails if you want.

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