[chapter 26]

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She is full on crying now.

"Nicole, let me explain" Patrick says and walks towards her. He makes a move to hold her hand but she jerks away.

"I'll leave now. Let you two talk. I am so sorry Nicole. I don't know why I did it. It's my fault. I kissed him. Please listen to him." I tell her and exit my room.

I dial Eddie's number and after what seems like eternity he picks up.

"Eddie can I stay at your place for the night? Please?" I plead.

"What happened?" He asks.

"I'll tell you when I come there." I say and hang up.

I ring the bell and Eddie comes half asleep and opens the door.

"What happened princess? Your phone call woke me up." He says and yawns.

"Nicole caught Patrick and I kissing. Nicole is Patrick's girlfriend." I explain.

"That's some serious shit princess."

"I know. What I don't know is what to do." I say.

We enter the guest room and I plop down on the bed.

"Good night princess. We will figure everything out tomorrow. I promise." Eddie tells me and kisses my forehead.

"Good night Eddie." I kiss his cheek.

He exits the room and I am left a alone in the darkness with nothing but my thoughts.

I fucked up. Again.

What am I going to do?

For now I guess I am going to sleep but tomorrow I'll have to think of something in order to make things right between Patrick and Nicole. Because what happened tonight is entirely my fault.

With everything going on in my life I forgot about Nick. Nicole told me he left in the morning but I didn't see him at all today. Where is he?

Now that worries me. What if something bad happened to him? Fuck Nick why don't you inform me about your plans?

I think I can't sleep. But I'll try. And first thing tomorrow I'll go by my house to sort things out between Nicole and Patrick and then I'll search for my best friend.


The sun comes in the room though the window and I wake up. I yawn and stretch my arms. I get out of the bed and exit the room. My destination now is the bathroom. I seriously need to pee.

I enter the bathroom and when I finish with my natural needs I wash my hands and get out. I walk downstairs and see nobody.
"EDDIEEEE." I shout.

No response.

Okay he is not here. But if he isn't here then where is he.

Maybe he is at the supermarket but I can't wait for him. I have to go back now. I'll leave him a note before I leave.

I write that I left and that I'll come back later.

After sticking the note to the fridge I exit his house and walk down the familiar road to my house.

When I arrive I open the door with my keys and the sight I am met with shocks me.

Patrick is sitting on the armchair and Nicole is sitting on his legs. The are in the middle of a heated make out session.

A pang of jealousy hits me and I clear my throat.

"Ugh...hello guys." I say and they both stop what they're doing and turn to face me.

My stepbrother and INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ