CHAPTER 63: Passing time

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Time: Unknown
Location: Hotland
It was unbearably hot in this small, heat inflicted area. It felt as if I was being suffocated, the heat was so intense, and the oxygen was incredibly thin, most likely the carbon and the iron in the air was heavier.

Hotland was extraordinarily hot on very many levels. I could quickly indicate that this was in fact the heat signature mass that showed on my device back at the lab about a month ago. It was hard to breathe at some points due to the increase of heat, however, Sans made the walk enjoyable, even if i was sweating profusely.

As we crossed over the narrow walkways that the monsters had created, that's what I could theorize about it of course, I peered down at the flowing lava, which lit up the mass of the cavern brightly, emitting a dangerous heat for me. I had let Sans know immediately that this heat could be dangerous, and he's been careful with my health ever since me telling him that, checking on me periodically and taking multiple rests for breaks.

We had passed a water cooler, with cool water, surprisingly, and he had let me stay there for a while to cool off and refresh myself, telling jokes and such to try and get me to spit out the water. It didn't work as well as they would have a few days prior, I didn't understand why. Maybe it was the fact that his jokes were getting darker every time he told them. he did knock a cup on the ground, and I could quickly tell that the rock beneath us was incredibly mal-nutritioned soil from waterfall. Most likely from the heat as well.

Along with the water cooler, we passed an abandoned laboratory, filled with instant Ramen and anime collections that had been dusted over. Of course, we stopped there for a while to cool off and get some sleep in the air-conditioning, but the strange noises from underneath the flooring seemed to drive us away, more like Sans away.

The days passed on, stopping for rests and such, but every time we would fall asleep, the rest would be cut short due to Sans' screams from the increasing amount of dreams. And every time he woke up, he thought I was someone different.

It worried me, of course. He was getting more cynical with each passing dream, and he's even been afraid to fall asleep at some points, saying he 'doesn't want to go back'. I couldn't guess what was haunting him, and I had tried to help several times, however, he would only push me away and say that we needed to get going. I even tried to listen to his mumbles and screams for help, however, I couldn't stand to listen to them for any longer than him starting them, overcome with worry and grief for Sans.

I wasn't sure what to think of this, over the past few days he had been in hotland. I was well aware that hotland was in fact the biggest territory of the underground, however I didn't think it was going to be this big. I was worried for Sans, most of all, weirdly enough. He had created a room in my heart for him, and he holds a very special place there, oddly enough from what we both had been through. This was the real Sans, and I couldn't deny the feelings that my heart was aching for at this moment.

He looked tired, out of everything, though. It felt like I was gaining energy and he was just losing energy, from both a mental and a physical standpoint. I was afraid of what he would turn into if his his mental health dwindled away that far again from when we first met. Would he kill me? Would he think I was Chara again and try to hurt me? Any scenario I could think of all lead to me being hurt in some way.

"You good?" Sans asked me, and I had snapped out of my day dream instantly. these past few days has had my thoughts all jumbled and mixed with worry and exhaustion. "You look like you're zoning out there." He slightly chuckled slightly, looking at me as I shake my head from side-to-side to wake myself up.

"I'm good!" I said, almost too chipper, in my opinion. "I was just day-dreaming, that's all." I said, looking at him and back in front of us, gazing down at the lava that flowed beneath us.

"Do you need another break?" He asked me, looking concerned with his tired, bagged eyes. He was obviously fighting the urge to fall asleep, or to just sit down a while, and most likely sleep. Not sleeping must not improve his mental state either, and I was growing increasing aware of his odd behavior that was rapidly forming. "A quick nap in the lava?" He chuckled darkly, and the small bits of laughter seemed to linger in my ears. I had heard that laughter before.

"No. I'm not the one who needs a break." I said, looking at him with a sarcastic look on my face. "You need to rest, Sans. You're going to drive yourself insane at this rate." I said casually, but he didn't reply immediately when I had said that so carefree. "And if you can't rest, please, just talk to me."

"Going insane sounds like fun to me." He said, in a joking manner, but I wasn't quite sure about that in certainty. "Anyways, we're almost at the Mettaton Resort, maybe I can get some rest there." He said, making me smile slightly. "There's lot of food there too, and you can eat until you pop. Literally." He chuckled darkly again.

"That'll be fun." I said. "I can start to feel it cooling off slightly. "At least it doesn't feel like a summer day in Florida quite as much", I joked, but Sans didn't get it. I was understandable. "And you didn't get that." I said, more to myself that him when he gave me a look of confusion after I had said it.

He just shrugged, and kept walking, and a few minutes went by in a dead silence. I longed to speak with him again, and it was an odd feeling to have towards the skeleton. However, before I could speak, Sans did first. "Shut up." He muttered quietly to himself. And it caused me to cock my head slightly, and listen for a moment, as I pretended I wasn't listening. "I said. Shut. Up." He spat angrily to himself. "I can't do that to her. I wouldn't." He said, almost reassuring himself.

Another minute of dead silence, and it looked like Sans was in agony, trying to block something out mentally. Was he really okay? I had never seen him act this way before, and it was scaring me. "Hey! Frisk!" He said, rather panicked and quick, as if he were trying to divert his mind now. Looking at me, his face seemed to ease off some tension and it seemed as if he were more relaxed, just knowing I was there.

"yes?" I ask him, as if I had spaced out once more, I was focusing so hard on his soft murmurs, I hadn't realized the drop in temperature.

"Just..." He trailed off, looking into space. " to me, would you?"

"...I ...just really want to hear your voice."

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