CHAPTER 52: Wasted time

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Time: Unknown
Location: Military base in Waterfall
Is this why the US Military wanted Sans so badly for military purposes? A creature that could decide the outcome of world war III? It was reasonable, yet unjust. I could see from their side, but I just couldn't agree with their beliefs.

Sans motioned with his head towards the outside of the camp, where we apparently needed to go. This didn't take much off of the journey but time, and time was the only thing we needed at the moment. Time is merciless, never lending us any spare seconds or minutes as living beings, so making the most of our lives had always been human ideology. However, for Sans, that wasn't the case. "If we move at a brisk pace, then we might have not have lost too much time." Sans said, shrugging. "but we need to move quick." He said, looking in the direction we needed to go into.

"You..." A voice carried through the empty camp, a very familiar one, I must say. Colonel Jackson stood proud and tall, in awe with his jaw low to the ground, it seemed. "You are more promising than I had originally hoped!" He said, extending his arms, grinning with glee. "You can fight for us!" He said, more of with an exasperated sigh. "For us all!" He said smiling. His military uniform had nothing on it, as if we only ran and hid away as his military dogs fought for his loyalty. They died for nothing.

"I told you once..." Sans said, turning around, growling and keeping his head low. "And I'll tell you again." He said, as his eye ignited once more in the darkness of his hooded skull. "I ain't joining you cowards." Sans spat, obviously ticked off. "I said no hours ago, so don't think my mind is going to change through pity at how weak you all are." He said, grumbling lowly.

I stayed quiet and on the ground. Colonel Jackson stood rather close to me, and I had hoped I wasn't going to turn into another goal for ransom, just as the other soldier did in the tent. He hummed, clicking his tongue as if he were amused with Sans' response. "Your work was absolute genius!" Jackson said, sighing, saying rather slyly. What was he up to? "Rather than killing the scouts and me, you waited till we carried you to our camp! Thus leaving an opening to kill us all!" He said, looking lowly at Sans in return of his glare. "I could really use a creature like you, Sans the Skeleton." He said, chuckling slightly.

"The answer is still no." Sans said. "Even if those threats you told he were true.." He trailed off, and I could only guess he was talking about when he and I were separated inside of the tents. "..I couldn't give a damn about a thing you said." He growled. "Losing everything you love comes with that perk." He chuckled, smiling sarcastically a bit. His own situation was amusing him greatly, and it made me frown at his reaction towards everything.

"You protected the girl? No?" He said, laying a hand on my head, as I continued to sit there on the ground. "That only proves of some remaining sanity left inside of you." He grinned menacingly, there was a major missing link between these stories. A bit of information I didn't possess to understand the situation fully. All I knew is that that one comment made Sans grind his teeth slightly, and close his fists. He then immediately relaxed his fingers, and the blue ring around his eye became the prominent color, rather than the red ring as it usually did. It was a beautiful cyan, and it was almost calming to look at from the angle I sat. It would have been more appealing if my heart hadn't been racing a mile a minute from the close proximity of Jackson behind me.

There was a moment of pause, and Sans said nothing in response. There was a sigh of what seemed like victory from Jackson, and he pet my hair once more, making me uncomfortable. "That only proves my point furt-" Jackson said, only to be cut off by his own gags and coughs. I could hear the sounds of breaking bones and dripping blood, yet I refused to turn around for a split second. I refused to accept what my brain was imagining.

With a final sigh, his hand fell off of my head, and slipped down my hair as I scrambled away from him in horror. "Shut up." Sans said darkly, as a thin bone appeared through the body of Jackson, piercing his diaphragm and his spine. It was a direct strike. "I'll do as I please." Sans said, his eye still glowing, however, it stayed under control, and not flaming chaotically.

I screamed, covering my mouth with both of my hands, and scrambling away from his dead carcass, finding my brain and my voice to think on my own. I kicked the soil up with my legs frantically to get far away quickly to even process the fact that were was a dead body on the right, and it's killer was on the left. I Yelled once more, throwing my broken arm down in pain as it throbbed for it to be healed. Despite everything, I continued to stare at Jackson's body in horror, remembering all the times I had seen him alive, replaying the small conversations in my head. It was terrifying.

Sans walked over to me and squatted down as my screams turned into small, staggered breaths, with only a few small tears rolling out of the corners from my eyes. My arm hurt so badly, and yet, I was so confused on a number of different things. I wish I could focus on one thing at a time. "Where does it hurt?" He asked, looking at me with almost a sincere look.

I didn't say anything but look at him wish wide eyes and a tear-stained face. My right hand gripped my left arm tightly, as if the pressure was going to do something about the pain I was enduring in the heat of that moment. Sans sighed and took my hand, gently and kindly and pulled it off of my arm to have a look. The right sleeve was still ripped off from when we were both under the rubble, and you could see physically where the bone had been broken on my bicep muscle. It was swollen and had turned an awful purple color from the bone pressing against my skin sharply.

Sans said nothing as he raised his hands and hovered them over my arm, causing green sparks of life to weave in between his skeletal fingers. These particles moved from his fingers and to my own arm, and I could feel a feeling of warmth and soothness over flood my entire body in an instant. Sans' hands were close, and rested onto my arm softly. I looked at his concentrated face, in awe of what was happening in this moment, and it was as if all of my worries faded away instantly, even if it were just for a second.

After a few minutes, he took his hands off of my arm, and I was slightly taken aback when it was it's healthy self again. Completely healed. I still was so surprised at Sans' kind actions, I couldn't even say thank you in return. "There." He said, looking to the side, almost as if he were slightly flustered at his own actions. "N-Now it won't slow us down." He said, standing up quickly and scratching his head from behind the cloth that rested on his skull. "Come on. We've wasted enough time here."

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