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Time: Unknown
Location: Waterfall
Sans had begun to scream and yell in his dream, waking me up. I couldn't wake him up! He was very far into the dream realm— would I be able to wake him up before his animal instincts kicked back in?

"H—Hey!" I yelled as he opened his eyes. His glowing eye was lit up in an instant, I had a feeling it was just a survival instinct at that point to ready his attacks at any threat that seemed to appear. "I thought I wouldn't be able to wake you..." I trailed off, as I sat back onto my bosom. I had gotten up on my knees in a panic, and I rested myself down onto my legs after the tension had died back down. "It almost scared me, you know? Not being able to do anything in the situation.." I trailed off as he continued to huff and puff exasperated breaths.

He tried to speak, only looking at the ceiling of the shining crystals that were buried in the top of the cavern. He had begun to sweat, and it was almost hard to imagine a guy like him actually having nightmares, with how merciless he was in his nature. Or maybe it was the fact that they only recently started, due to the fact that I could see the rapid progression of his sanity returning? Was he afraid of himself? Or the things he did, if that were the case?

He only breathed harder, closing his eyes and resting his hand atop of his eyes to calm himself down as his breaths gradually returned to their normal heartbeat's speed of about 90. I just sat there quietly as he caught up with reality and the tortures his mind put him through. Had he really noticed I was there? He hasn't said a word, unlike most people who just had a nightmare, it would have seemed that he was the type to make a joke about the situation to lighten the atmosphere that we both sat in. But instead, he just closed his eyes, shaming himself for thinking on such thoughts, or even he was reflecting on his dream that he had just had?

It bothered me not to just read the minds of other people, how I didn't have the ability to know everything everyone was thinking. I felt as if i could help so much more people if I could just understand what was going on.

"Are..." I spoke softly, as his breaths returned to their normal speed. "...Are you okay?" I asked Sans, leaning forward only slightly, hoping to catch a glimpse of his eyes. His eyes were the only way I could read him with his permanent facial features. I could only look at him with concern. When he had woken me up in a fright, screaming and begging to the air as if it were a memory he had wish to have long forgotten, I almost didn't have the strength to get up. how much longer would I have to go through with this until my body couldn't take it anymore? "Sans?" I asked.

He slowly rolled his head to the side, facing me, with his hand still covering his eyes with the back of it as if he were going back asleep. "I'm..." He spoke slowly and in a daze, now that his heart-rate had calmed down. He lowered his hand back to his opposite side to face me and opened his eyes, back to the regular pinpricks that his normal self had.

Suddenly, his eyes opened widely, and his magic eye was back aflame, and he pushed himself off of the ground, backing away from me in a flash. "YOU!" He yelled, pointing and summoning a bone as a weapon to hold for his protection. "STAY AWAY FROM ME!" He said, his eye flaring and flickering, lighting up the given area. Was he still int he dream? Hallucinations? Did he forget me?

My eyes widened, scrambling to get up on my feet, struggling to do so with the fragility of my legs. Did he think I was Chara, yet again?

"Sans!" I said, in a very frantic voice, "Sans! Its okay!" I said, looking behind me as I backed up, afraid of falling into the water. "It's just me!" I yelled more frantically as I pushed the air with my hands, trying to calm him down. I couldn't hold them up for long due to my state, and my stomach created painful knots yet again.

I held my stomach in pain, and kneeled to the ground in agony. I wanted to cry, I didn't know what to do. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you now!" He said, as if he were the broken one in the situation. His thoughts and his consciousness was still jumbled from the nightmare, so it wasn't his fault in technicality. I did feel bad for him and couldn't place the blame for mistaking me for Chara, it's just that I couldn't help but be petrified of his unstable condition of his shattered mind that I have been slowly trying to piece back together.

He held the bone up, ready to strike me down if I were to try something, and towered over me, walking cautiously and slowly. As if I were a monster. "I can't.." I said softly, mumbling at his point, looking up at his with glossy eyes. "I can't give you a single reason to not kill me." I said, trying to stand up, but I just didn't have the strength anymore. "...But I can assure you one thing.." I said, "You will regret it in the end, because I'm not who you think I am." I said softly and peacefully. I didn't choose to fight, but chose mercy.

His eye then flickered back to the white pinprick that it once was, and he stood there, stunned for a moment. He looked at the bone in his hand and lowered it to his side, looking around, almost frightened, in a way. "Frisk...?" He said, almost astonished, looking at me in horror. "Is that you..?" He said, shaking his head. "Of course it's you! That was a stupid question.." He said, turning the bone to a cloud of dust, and walked over to be at a brisk pace. "oh jeeze.." He said, looking at my stance.

"I'm okay." I said, reassuring him, nodding my head. I had just made it into a tolerable position for my stomach cramps that my hungry belly was trying to warn me of. It was warning me of the inevitable that WAS going to happen at this rate. How long would it be until I could get some food? Does Sans even know my limit? "Don't worry. I'm fine."

"Did I hurt you?" Sans asked, avoiding touching me, waving his hands around frantically. "Are you hurt? Why are you sitting like that?" He slammed me with questions, overcome with worry. Did I really mean that much to him? It was flattering, and it made me feel secure to have him care about my well-being. "What's wrong?" He asked, giving me a hand to help me stand up. I looked up at it with a warm smile and a sigh of relief.

"Sans." I only said his name, taking his hand and pulling him into a hug. Not quite an embrace, but a short, quick hug that surprised him quite a bit.

"What-..?" He trailed off, as I pulled out of the hug with another smile.

"Thank you." I said, grinning at him. "For everything." I said. "I'm okay. Really, I'm fine." He took a breath as if to refute my statement. I could see the dark spots on the corners of my vision as I lied to him to say I was alright. Talking too fast seemed to use up the energy I didn't seem to have anymore. "Now, we should get going, right?" I said, cutting him off. "Lets just walk across this water-thing, and we'll be on our way." I said, giving him my best smile, but we both knew that smile wasn't as certain as the others.

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