CHAPTER 4: Lab Rat

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J u n e 1st:
One week before the tragedy.

8:54 a.m.

"Love?" Chara asked, wavering a bit in her tone of voice. She seemed to shake off a thought that came to mind from the term, she giggled, looking at me with lazy eyes, "Now that can't right." She said, smiling. "Your device must be malfunctioning." She said, nodding.

"What do you mean?" I asked, laughing in disbelief. "My device works. I tested it multiple times when you were gone." I explained. "All results were constant." I said. "As an added fact, you didn't major in chemical engineering." I said, letting out a huff of satisfaction. I love arguments that I can win.

"Well," Chara said, wavering once more. "It's only designed to see the makeup of known elements and substances." She said. "Therefore, if it was a new element that we were studying, then it would either malfunction, or even give the closest element it can correlate it to." She said, smirking and crossing her arms cockily.

"Oh, but you see..." I grinned even more. "I designed it to detect any unknown element with an 'unknown source' card to reveal at the top." I said. "So, it wouldn't malfunction and give us misleading information." I said, she started to growl. "AND as an added fact along with that one, I ran the device to analyze myself directly after I measured you. The results? 99% oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus." I grinned, taking more notes and continuing with my work.

She let out an audible sigh of dissatisfaction at losing the argument. She grumbled, rolling her eyes as I paid no attention to her actions or her groans. "Don't try and make conversation with me like that!" I laughed, "If you're going to make a valid point, then do it! My calculations are never wrong, there's something extraordinary under there, and I can't help but think that you're keeping it from me!" I said, putting the pen down. "Why do you want them to be wrong?" I asked, slightly hurt. Chara was my friend and my Roomate, you'd think we would be closer than your average friendship. Almost like sisters! We look so alike as is!

"Do us all a favor and stop your little project right now." Chara sighed, looking at me seriously with narrowed eyes. She put her hand on the desk behind her, supporting her body weight. "It won't help anyone. There's nothing down there. There's nothing for you to see." She said.

"These readings—!" I tried to explain, pointing down at my homemade device, made from junk and scraps. She stopped me, holding up her finger to silence me as I pointed at the notes too, looking at her. "This clearly shows abnormalities." I said, grumbling lowly.

"It's not that I don't want your readings to be right, it's the fact that it's a wasted effort for humanity as a whole." She said. "People will steal, people will take credit for YOUR findings and you will be crushed." She said. "So its best that you don't press any further, and stop this stupid little project. Because no matter what you do, you can't change people." She said, grinning at the end. Though, not a grin of happiness.

"I'm willing to take that risk." I said, my determined side rising high above the rationality side of Chara's arguments. "You can't spell Frisk without it, after all." I winked, laughing a bit at my joke. I looked at her, practically crying from my bad joke.

She didn't laugh.

My laughter turned to nervous chuckles, and eventually died out with a sad sigh at my own pun. "I not going to be—." Chara tried to say, but I cut her off, already knowing of her demands.

"You are being my lab rat. Now suck it up because we need to do some tests!!" I said excitedly, pushing her off of the table and standing up, bringing her over to my 'station', which was just a cluster of all of my successful inventions through my time at Ebott Labs. She groaned, walking over towards me, knowing I was the only one who could cook in our household.

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