The 21st Kiss

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Even though it's Chanyeol's birthday, Baekhyun ends up with the happily ever after. 

Baekhyun stood at the bar watching as the DJ did his thing over in the corner of the room. He swirled his drink around in its glass while trying to come up with an excuse to leave this god forsaken birthday party.

His friends had told him to go on a whim, claiming that he would enjoy the night out away from responsibilities and whatnot. However, seeing the fact of the man whose birthday he had come to celebrate made Baekhyun realise that he just didn't belong.

Park Chanyeol was the son of his mother's friend, they had grown up alongside one another, however their face to face confrontation was limited. Baekhyun mostly feeling sexually frustrated to the man that had claimed to be bisexual since Junior Year in high school, Baekhyun confessing his sexual preference the following spring.

Everyone knew of his arrival (or so he thought) at the party, he could tell by the way Chanyeol's family members smiled and waved him over in hope to relive unfinished conversations from the previous times they had crossed paths.

The peace lasted for an hour, Baekhyun smiled and informed the family of his own, while also introducing them to his best friend Kyungsoo who had been dragged as 'emotional support', although the Park family didn't seem to mind being a welcoming family to all.

Then reality kicked in, the birthday boy finally managed to complete his whole 'going around to tables to welcome everyone' thing (Baekhyun managed to come in just as Chanyeol had left his family's table) and was now making an overall welcome from the DJ booth.

Kyungsoo who had never officially seen the boy Baekhyun claimed to be his crush since like..forever, finally understood his best friends circumstance. There standing by Chanyeol's side was Scarlet, an otherwise seen as petite girl with dark brown hair and known all around school for her ruby red lipstick. They weren't together, yet Scarlet seemed to think that she held the most likely spot and no-one was going to be there before her.

Fortunately for Chanyeol he didn't go to school with her like Baekhyun and Kyungsoo did, for if he had well... let's just say he wouldn't be standing as close to her as he was right now.

Taking a seat back down at the table with Chanyeol's family Baekhyun tried to listen to what the birthday boy had to say, but the constant nagging of Chanyeol's mother made him try to hold his laughter back.

"Doesn't she know that she can leave my son alone for a couple minutes to make his speech?" Mrs Park questioned aloud, almost making Kyungsoo choke on his sparkling water.

Baekhyun knew from a very young age that Mrs Park always liked him and Chanyeol together, she often claimed that she would pay for their wedding and mind the children (if they ever had any). She was also one of the reasons why Baekhyun fell in love with Chanyeol. He never felt out of place in their household, always being welcomed and not just by Chanyeol's parents but by his younger siblings too.

The Park clan consisted of Mrs and Mr Park with Chanyeol being the eldest son. Following him in age he had a younger sister named Yoora and finally a baby brother called Casper who everyone knew by his nickname Boo. Baekhyun having been the one to nickname him, after often playing with him whenever he was around at their house, the baby's favourite game being Peek-a-boo (and slightly because Casper is the name of a movie about a friendly ghost).

"She must know that she has some competition tonight Haeun am I right?" Chanyeol's father chuckled, tapping his wife on her hand. The action making Mrs Park smile and nod slowly before glancing back up to her son who had just finished his speech.

Both Baekhyun and Kyungsoo clapped, even though they hadn't paid enough attention to what the birthday boy had actually said, instead focusing on the food that had been placed down on the table during that time.

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