A moment before forever #2

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"Baekhyun get back in the house" Chanyeol panted as they were running in the forest.

"No! You have to catch meeeee!" Baekhyun giggled fastening his speed using his newly found power.

Chanyeol couldn't help but chuckle at his boyfriend's cuteness.

Baekhyun had woken up about two minutes after Chanyeol had cracked his neck which seemed to have surpised everyone. Sehun who was the last one of them to be turned had taken about 20 minutes to come back around. But compared to Sehun's transformation, Baekhyun's was a walk in the park.

"Baek" Chanyeol cooed as soon as he had caught the younger.

"Aye no fair I thought you stopped for a breather"

"I did"

"Grandad" Baekhyun giggled watching Chanyeol roll his eyes.

"Come on Baek, you need to eat"

Baekhyun's eyes widened as his throat closed, he knew he was hungry but he didn't think he was hungry for blood. Baekhyun shook his head.

"I'm not hungry for blood"

Chanyeol breathing stopped along with his ever so faint heartbeat. He stared straight into Baekhyun's eyes.

"If this is supposed to get me turned on Baek it's really not working..."

"YAH! As much as I would like to comment on your non-innocent thoughts, I'm going back to the house for Kyungsoo's food" Chanyeol watched awestruck as Baekhyun strut away, his hips swaying ever so slightly like always, back to the house, where everyone was packing up before the morning sunrise.

The vampires of Chanyeol's clan were all moderately new. The oldest of them being Minseok who was turning 100 this very year. Although they ate normal human food their main priority was their blood which they needed to survive on.

But watching as Baekhyun had claimed he wasn't hungry for blood at all had made Chanyeol think that something happened to him in his transformation, add that to the fact Baekhyun only spent 2 short minutes dead and you got yourself a really confused Chanyeol.

Speeding towards his lover, Chanyeol threw him over his shoulder and dashed into the house stopping abruptly in the kitchen scaring the living daylights out of Kyungsoo and Luhan.

"YODA PUT ME DOWN! " Baekhyun screamed slapping Chanyeol's back. Chanyeol's groaned scrunching his nose.

"YAH BAEK be careful, your alot stronger than anyone in this house right now" Kyungsoo scolded, from the oven.

"Sorry.." he whispered as Chanyeol let him down.

"It's ok Baek you'll learn how to control everything soon" Baekhyun gave him a wide smile.

"Breakfast" Kyungsoo giggled setting the pizza (which was always Baekhyun's favourite) onto a plate.

Baekhyun happily skipped over and sat next to Luhan, they both took a pizza slice and began eating.

"Kyungsoo watch Baekhyun for a second, I'm going to find Suho" Chanyeol annouced before speeding out of the room.

Rushing all around the house Chanyeol stopped outside the last room he hadn't checked. ..the library.

"Suho we need to talk about-"

"Baekhyun....I'm aware" Suho nodded his head scanning through a book in his hands, while more dotted themselves around the large table.

"Did you find anything about my eyes changing colour?"

"I might have..."

"Well then what is it?"

"Chanyeol...tell me about your parents"

Chanyeol was silent for a minute, he's breathing heavy as his mind moved through memories, he'd be forced to remember for eternity.

"They died when I was 18"

"Why was that?"

"Suho, you already know about my family background that's why you took me in and turned me"

"I turned you because your sorry ass was dieing Chanyeol, I need you to say it again" Chanyeol couldn't help but crack a smile at the memory, it was soon gone as another took over.

"They died trying to safe me from our wolf pack"

Suho nodded, he knew he wouldn't be able to keep Chanyeol in the past for long. He knew it has taken a toll on the young wolf.

Upon their first meeting Suho had to admit he was very cautious about having a wolf around him, but once he found out Chanyeol never killed anyone before therefore haven't released his curse, he became calm and collected and took the boy into his care. As the years passed and Chanyeol grew to be 23 he became ill with the plague.

Scared to see the child he began to love die, Suho, with the help of his husband Yixing turned Chanyeol into a vampire. It was the beginning of the load of mayhem, that followed.

"You never killed anyone before I turned you"

Chanyeol nodded listening closely to his 'mothers' ((he liked calling Suho that since he had taken the girl role in his relationship with Yixing)) speech.

"That's right, but I don't see how that is re-"

"Your eyes have always been blue Chanyeol, always no one in this clan has had blue eyes at all in there life span"

"So your saying that I activated my curse by killing Baekhyun?!?"

Suho nodded slowly "I think so...that's why your eyes changed to brown like your parents"

"But Suho I've killed thousands of humans before when my blood thirst was out of control before I even met Baekhyun, how come it's only happening now?"

"I'm not part of a werewolf clan Chanyeol..I only have some of Kyungsoo's old witch books but none of them say anything about it"

Do Kyungsoo was a warlock before he had met to know the slightly bigger clan.

When Chanyeol had met them the clan consisted of himself, Suho his husband Yixing and Minseok.

When they had met Kyungsoo their clan had grown taking in 5 more members. Them being Chen who was turned by Minseok, Kris who was turned by Suho, Luhan who turned by Yixing, Tao who was turned by Kris and finally Jongin who would be later referred to as Kai who was turned by Chen.

Kyungsoo had fallen in love with Kai similar to the way Baekhyun had fallen for Chanyeol except Kyungsoo wasn't aware of the fact that Kai was a vampire.

Kai had managed to keep it a secret for the long time they were dating, when Kyungsoo had reached the age of 22, Kai revealed himself and his true identity. Kyungsoo had given up his life as a warlock to become a vampire.

"Chanyeol whatever is happening to you both right now isn't something I'd take lightly.."


"Chen?" Chanyeol whispered looking back up at Suho who shrugged.

A sharp pain in the left side of his chest winded Chanyeol. Suho watched the younger gasp grabbing his chest.

"CHANYEOL!!" That was Minseok's voice now and when Minseok got involved with things Suho knew it was important.

Grabbing Chanyeol by his shirts collar he rushed them both downstairs.

Baekhyun was passed out in the kitchen a pizza slice on the ground beside him looking slightly blue.


So this is the next bit of the story. Many people have said it would be good to make it into an actual full story? Would people read it if I did? Please comment your answers here and I'll consider writing more as I do have more ideas for this story.

Sorry for grammar mistakes or wrong word input.

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