The MatchMaker

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(No Smut today hehe)

Chanyeol works as a Market Researcher in his uncle company. When things get too out of hand and his uncle pressures him into finding a 'bride', Chanyeol turns to Byun Baekhyun of MatchMaker Incorporated a company set up like Tinder.

"Park Chanyeol you're uncle is ready to see you now" Joy the secretary smiled up at the tall, built silver haired giant wearing an expensive black Tommy Hilfiger suit jacket, turtleneck and black creased workpants.

Chanyeol sent a cold smile to the lady and pushed past the polished wooden doors and into his uncle's office.

"You summoned me" he announced taking a seat on the couch by the full wall of window, opposing his uncle's CEO desk.

"Chanyeol how's my favourite nephew?"

"I'm you're only nephew uncle" Chanyeol laughed standing up and giving the man before him a hug.

"Everything okay down in your department?" Hangsu wondered.

Chanyeol nodded as a reply and took to his seat again, smiling at his uncle who joined him, a glass of whiskey in hand. "Everything's going well, Samantha is settling in well which is good"

Hangsu scoffed at the mention of his nephew's new assistant. Samantha had been interviewed by his wife who thought the girl would pose as a great future bride for the young male. The girl, according to his uncle wasn't the most well-witted girl out there but she did have some interest in the job, however Chanyeol wondered if it was the job that interested her or him.

"Look Chanyeol I called you in here for a reason.. my sister aka your mother plus the support of my wife have been pestering me for the past 4 months, to try and get you to find yourself someone to settle down with"

Chanyeol was at a loss for words. He was only 27 and already he was being asked to find someone to settle down with. Chanyeol's life was work, once school ended he was fully committed to the company and his uncle even considered him to be the new CEO when the time had come.

Asking a favour of such depth and promise from his nephew broke the man's heart, But he knew the women in his life were right. Chanyeol was nearing 30, an age were in Korea most people had already married. It was a harsh thing to ask of his nephew but he needed to keep up the family honour.

"I understand that Uncle, but where am I going to find someone who shares everything I'm looking for"

His uncle smile grew larger as he reached to a card on the coffee table before them. Pulling it back and passing it into his nephews chest.

Chanyeol in a confused state took the card and gazed at it in confusion. "MatchMaker Incorporated? That's a thing?"

His uncle just shrugged in responce. "No idea, your aunt gave me that card this morning mouthing off about giving it to you, anyway I booked you an appointment to see the best MatchMaker they have to offer"


"Today, 3:30"

Glancing up at the clock Chanyeol sighed realising that he would be having to leave now if he wanted to make the appointment with the MatchMaker.

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