Heart Beat

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Couples played out in the streets, children giggled happily as they ran around the playground, some little girls playing kiss tag with the younger boys, ducks flew over head and sweet smells drifted around the small market place.

Baekhyun grinned as he passed by. It was the time of year were heart shaped decorations danced along the walls and grandmothers made little Cupid shaped cookies.

Valentine's Day.

Baekhyun loved watching every couple come out and spend the day together, either playing in the little claw machines near the large supermarket or going on a  cheap movie date.

"Good morning Baekhyun" Ms Cranberry grinned from her shop window.

"Good morning!" He happily called back.

Although his history on this particular day was far from normal Baekhyun still managed to hold a smile through it all. After all it was one of the holidays.

Entering into the so familiar café Baekhyun gave a wave to it's owner.

"Oh hello Baekhyun, I didn't except to see you here any time soon"

"You thought I went to the city didn't you" the boy giggled, taking his usual seat at the counter.

"We all did" Mr Johnson admitted with a chuckle.

"Well I decided to stick around a little more, my heart is telling me something might happen today"

Mr Johnson gave the boy a knowing smile "It is the most romantic day after all"

Baekhyun immediately shook his head "Not in that way" he chuckled "I just feel like there is something different today"

"Well, I'm sure you'll know when you see it"

Baekhyun watched confused as Mr Johnson sent him a wink before excusing himself to fulfil the other customers wishes.

"Chanyeol could you help me please!" Mr Johnson called out.

"Sure thing Uncle!" A deep voice called back from behind the small little blue curtain hanging on the wall.

Baekhyun curiosity told him to turn his attention to the boy that had just pulled the curtains aside.

Their eyes met and locked. Both of their breathes hitching. Baekhyun admired the strong looking young male in the middle of the opened curtains, his dark hair was styled up and the white shirt he used for his uniform was hugging all the right parts.

"Yah! Stop staring off into space and come help me!" Mr Johnson called, forcing the two young boys to look away from each other.

"I thought the whole theme of your café was space themed!" The boy chuckled rushing behind the counter, just a few steps down from where Baekhyun was sitting.

"Aish... i knew allowing you to stay here while your mother went on that cruise was a bad idea"

"Yah! I'm bringing in more money!" Chanyeol cried, his hands fallening to the sides as he pouted.

Mr Johnson slapped the boy gently on the cheek before rolling then around in his hands. "And I couldn't be more happier"

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, shaking the mans hands off. His gaze drifted back over to the cute little boy sitting on the stool a little while down from them.

Mr Johnson followed his nephew's view before gasping dramatically.

"BAEKHYUN I'm so sorry I never asked for your order!"

The small brunette gave a wide smile before waving the man off "Don't worry about it, I don't have plans at all today take your time"

The owner of the cafe sent him a genuine smile before he went back to barking orders at the other staff members.

ChanBaek One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora