I'm your mate?! (Pt.2)

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"What is wrong with him Kyung?" I asked lying Luhan down onto his bed.

"I honestly don't know Baek, I can feel his heart beat alright but apart from that he's fine" he stated taking a sit next to Luhan joining him on the bed.

"GET THE FUCK OFF MY BED!"He screamed pushing Kyungsoo off the sheet making him hit the ground with a thud.

"See nothing wrong with him at all" Kyungsoo hissed standing up while rubbing his butt.

"But our hearts aren't supposed to beat Kyung" I stated earning an eye roll in return.

"Don't you think I know that, considering I've been living with both of you for the past two years"

It was my turn to roll my eyes.

"I love the smell of burning meat" My eyes widened, I clutched my head.

Kyungsoo's head turned to me and signed "Baek I honestly don't know what is happening to y-" he was cut off by a loud scream. It didn't take long to realise that he was the one that did it.

"KYUNG!" Luhan roared embracing him.

"Come down stairs I'll explain what we think is happening to you" his voice signed.

"T-they want us to come downstairs" Kyungsoo stuttered pulling himself out of Luhan's grip.

"You heard him?" I breathed slowly releasing my hands from my head once the pain subsided.

"If your talking about Kai then yes but by the looks of the sparks in your eyes you heard someone different"

I nodded. "I heard Chanyeol"

"I heard Sehun" Luhan joined the conversation after pushing Kyungsoo back off the bed.

When we arrived in front of the living-room we found the boys sitting in a row on the couch each one had a look of worry etched into their faces.

"You wanted to see us" Luhan asked earning a nod from the three wolves.

"Looks like you'll be staying the night" I groaned silently hearing the distant rumbling of thunder.

Fishing out the piece of paper from my pocket I pulled out my phone an dialed the number. Waiting patiently the user picked up my call and breathed into the mouth piece before speaking.

"Baekhyun is everything ok?"

I smiled while nodding not taking my eyes from the floor. "Everything is fine have you talked to the pack yet?"

"Yeah, I just got here, what's wrong have they done something?"

"N-no they are grand it's just that there's a storm coming and since it's late I'm just calling to say that they can stay here, so you won't need to come and get them during the storm" Tearing my focus from the floor my eyes found those of Chanyeol. A playful smirk rested on his lips.

"Aw thanks Baek, I'll be over first thing tomorrow morning"

"No problem be safe" I warned earning a chuckle.

"I will, you too"

With that the line went dead.

"Spill...what is happening to us" Kyungsoo threatened his legs trembling.

"Wow your worse then the other two" Kai's eyes widened moving over on the couch for Kyungsoo to sit down, but Kyungsoo just sat on the carpet in font of them. Luhan and I following his lead.

"Soo is getting more hurt because his body can't heal as fast as ours can" Luhan explained.

"Then we better get explaining now then" Chanyeol breathed.

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