Trick Or Treat?

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Chanyeol arrived home from the Sm Halloween Party, his back sore from having to stay completely straight in his Iron Man costume.

He had decided last minute that he's come to his apartment instead of going back to the dorm, plus it was closer to the party venue.

After saving goodbye to the manager, Chanyeol whistled the tune of the elevator music.

Stepping out on his floor Chanyeol walked down to his apartment, finding the key underneath the plant pot, he inserted it into the key hole and stumbled over his footing inside.

He gasped seeing Halloween decorations all over the place. Black cobwebs hung on his walls over the doors and in the corner.

Candy skulls lay on purple and orange cloths on his cabinets and tables. A big bowl of different candies rested in the table beside the door.

Chanyeol raised a brow taking off his Iron Man helmet. Noticing a white piece of paper with rushed scribbles on it he picked it up and grinned evilly.

Somewhere in this haunted Apartment are tricks and treats. You must follow the clues before you come to me.


Chanyeol chuckled while shaking his head. His boyfriend really loved special holidays like this. He was so thankful for him.

Digging through the candy bowl Chanyeol chuckled seeing another piece of paper on the bottom.

"This is going to be so easy" he breathed unfolding the slip while chewing on a chocolate kiss.

What's always running but has no legs?

"A fucking riddle really Byun!" Chanyeol hissed hitting his head agaisnt the wall.

" legs....fridge"

Immediately Chanyeol took to his legs and glided his way into the kitchen, it took some time but he managed to get to it.

Opening it up he gasped seeing something different. The entire fridge was filled with different foods.

Since he and Baekhyun jumped between both the apartment and the dorm they don't keep that much food in the fridge, instead they would use the cabinets or the freezer or better yet Take Out.

"What is this?" He chuckled looking at all the variety of foods.

Wiped cream, chocolate covered strawberries, orange and melon slices, ice cubes in the shape of little ghosts. Muffins that were covered in Orange and light blue icing. Peanut butter cups were displayed on little trays. Ice cream also was placed beside the ice cubes.

"Your seriously only making me take two?" Chanyeol cried, noticing the little white card reading "Please take two".

"Unbelievable" he pouted reaching forward and taking the whipped cream.

A loud boo scares him into dropping the can back on the shelf.

"Tricks" he breathed, his heart beating faster.

A witches laugh ran through his ears as he tried taking the strawberries.

Slowly he eyed the fridge, deciding to be careful with his decisions. Taking the ice cubes he was happy to not get another 'Trick'.

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