We Got Married?

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Continued on from the Happy Birthday Chanyeol Chapter!

"BAEKHYUN!" I could hear Minseok scream my name from the living-room. Groaning I pushed myself into a sitting position on my bed. Carefully I folded over the cornor of my book that I had been reading, and placed it gently down on my bedside table.

"Coming!" I shouted as I could faintly hear him take a deep breath as if he was going to yell my name again. Slipping into my white slippers I pushed my feet to walk and glided my way to the door of my bedroom. Entering the living room I found my hyung sitting in a bolted up position on the couch. "For God sake Baek take your sweet time why don't you" he glared up at me. I stared confused down at him. "What do you want hyung?" He threw his feet down from the couch and onto the floor allowing room for me to sit.

I figured to go ahead and take a seat because by the look on Min's face, was ringing 'this is going to take awhile' bells. "So you and Chanyeol haven't admitted to the fans that you guys are together right?" Why do I even need to answer that if he already knew the answer.  sighed and threw myself back against the back of the couch. Minseok's eyes following me. "Yes we still haven't been able to get them to notice, like remember when Chanyeol shouted Chanbaek at the concert but no one called back?" I could see his shoulders rise and fall as he turned his back to me and grabbed his phone that was sitting on the coffee table in front of us."They didn't understand him pabo, he mumbled it!" I shrugged my shoulders and set myself into a comfortable​ position.

"Oh Min you still haven't told him yet huh?" Kai smirked shaking his head and sitting dow on the armchair in the cornor. "Shut up you, just because your so giddy that you and Krystal broke up even though it wasn't even a proper relationship in the first place!" Kai shrugged his shoulders and turned on the television hanging over the fireplace.

"What is it Min?" I asked turning back to face the pabo that dragged me out of my adventure novel just to sit out here and wait for im to stop playing on his phone."Well I need you to be here when Chanyeol and Sehun come back from the studio" I scoffed and stood up. "Come on Hyung you could just call me when they get back" He clicked his fingers, grumbled then went back to scrolling through his phone rather quickly if I had to be honest.

"Quick question why does Chanyeol need to get here?" Kai was the one who answered instead. Thankfully someone was listening! "It involves him" he grinned and turned his attention back to the tv. "Whatever I'm getting food"

Finally giving into the hunger pains in my stomach after not eating for awhile, to perfect my abs for the fans. But when the concert was finished Chanyeol had told me he had found out I haven't ate. He told me to continue eating and when I refused he yelled at me. I haven't forgiven him yet. I know I should, I know it's my fault for not eating....I just wanted EXO-l to be happy, but by keeping them happy means that Chanyeol gets upset. It even got to stage that he moved into Kyungsoo and Kai's room because I wouldn't talk to him. Honestly looking back at it now, it was stupid, and I really shouldn't have acted that way, after all I love that giant yoda more every day and I miss him like crazy.

"Baekhyun....what you doing here?" Kyungsoo asked his hands hidden in the sink, that was filled with bubbles. "I actually came to get some food" I half smiled at his surprised expression. "Well after not eating properly for months your stomach must have shrunk in size so how does ramen sound?" I couldn't help but smile at him. He really was like a mother to our group, really.

"Thanks Soo" I grinned taking a seat at the kitchen's island, watching him move around to find the dish towel to dry his hands. "Want me to dry the dishes?" I asked raising my right eyebrow for effect. "Ah no it's ok Baek  your not signed up for it this week Suho is" He giggled pointing to the handwritten chore list sticking to the fridge by a cute ice cream magnet. I laughed as I saw Chen's messy handwriting on a yellow stick it over his chores. "Can't do them feeling too trollie" I rolled my eyes and Kyungsoo laughed.

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