Chapter Forty-Seven

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Talons tightened on each side of Pligal as a hardened vine staff moved closer to his forehead. Pligal's orbs moved away from the threatening staff to the San of the 23rd Centuria. A calm, collected look passed over him as he held the staff tightly in attack position.

"I say again, show us what you can do." Forindy threatened.

"Please, don't." Pligal asked, once more. "I can't do this thing right now."

Raising his staff, Forindy locked orbs upon Pligal. Electricity shot through the air as Forindy stood poised to strike, his orbs shooting daggers into Pligal's. Some members of the 23rd Centuria shifted as the intensity around them blossomed.

"I don't think he can do it, Forindy." Kath-Adim muttered softly.

Forindy shifted a hard glance at his lover, a testament to avoid coming in between his commands. The others looked around at each other nervously as the tension grew. Turning back toward Pligal, Forindy gritted his sharp teeth before raising the staff even higher.

Xianthm's talons tensed around Pligal's arms as he saw the blow to come. To Pligal's right, he heard the breath of Luminol become shallower in anticipation of the attack.

"Final warning, Pligal. Show us, now." Forindy said through frustration.

Lowering his orbs, Pligal awaited the torment to come as his body still reeled from his communion with Isabella. Weakened, knowing he could not muster the energy to protect himself or the courage due to his oath to Isabella, Pligal relegated himself to his fate.

Clenching his talons, Forindy stepped forward while moving to strike. The tension in his face lessened as his true intentions shone through. Desiring to witness if Pligal could control his ability, attempting to draw his power out of him, his biolight flickered anxiously as he moved to attack his own subordinate.

"Enough," Luminol said softly, barely above a whisper as Forindy paused mid-assault. "He seems to have his reasons, San Forindy. Perhaps we should respect them."

Lifting his head, Pligal met Luminol's orbs. Steady and unwavering, they latched onto Pligal's. A deep concern etched upon his face scales while his biolight softly glowed. A lump weighed heavily upon Pligal's throat as the unease of his predicament softened. Turning his orbs to Forindy's Pligal marveled at his own softened expression.

The two holding his arms released their bindings as San Forindy ordered them with a nod. A collective sigh rang out within the 23rd Centuria. Tension, held within the group abated as normalcy returned to the unit.

Kneeling before Pligal, Forindy said softly with his hardened vine staff supporting him, "Comrade, please forgive me. The time is late and we are all close to the final deathstate. I only wished..."

"It's fine." Pligal said relieved, interrupting his San while noticing his body returning to its full strength. As his biolight flickered in relief, he continued, "You did what you thought was best for the 23rd Centuria. Thank you for not continuing. I wish I could demonstrate to you the full power of my blessing." He said before glancing downward at the multicolored soil below them. "I made and oath that I cannot take lightly. Please forgive me."

Sighing deeply, Forindy nodded as he took in Pligal's words. Allowing himself to feel the full weight of his subordinate's words, he stood slowly before handing his Kath-Adim. The shortest among them, Forindy stood as a stone figure, contemplating Pligal's words and the nonverbal cries for clemency etched on the whole of the 23rd Centuria.

"So be it, let us all refrain from discussing this further until Pligal is ready." Forindy commanded to his subordinates.

"Xia!" cried out Luminol.

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