Chapter Twenty-One

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Pulling her back, visions of the beings as well as her other imprinted into her mind. A hard-metallic taste lingered in her mouth; the type from placing copper pennies in your mouth. Tingling around her hands spread as it itched. Swirling inside her nostrils, a putrid aroma caused her to open her eyes wide.

Pure whiteness spread across the easel of life. Pure, yet harsh light causing her to shut her eyes tightly as they burned in the brilliance. Tears poured forth, streaming down her face in lament. Cascading over her built up eye gunk; the waterworks refused to abate for many moments as she blinked to satiate her troubled eyes.

The odoriferous scent returned as she breathed shallowly. Coughing in an attempt to remove the scent proved unsuccessful. Quickly, she attempted to move her hand to plug her nose. With all her might, she attempted, to no avail. Frozen in time, it tingled and itched as it continued ignoring her pleas.

As her eyes returned their focus, Isabella realized she lay in the tub. Craning her eyes at this relaxed position, she saw the water, which immersed her body contained a dark hue. Still, the water barely rippled as her shallow breaths caused her breasts to rise out of the dark water before submerging. Brown nipples, erect, poised for action surfaced as a navy seal in the water. Slowly, they rose, tenderly as a part of the water. Allowing it to glide down itself, the brown water contained pieces of orange and strands of dark fibrous material.

Once more, the rancid smell flooded her nostrils, inundating her olfactory bulb, she winced as she noticed a familiar scent within the aroma. Slicing through the other scents, the overwhelming smell of ammonia involuntarily ejected a gag. The contents of her stomach empty, she dry-heaved as she instinctively pulled against her limbs. Again, her cry remained unanswered. Dissuaded, she forced herself to gauge any movement in her limbs.

The softest twitch causing her to open her eyes wide as she noticed slight control regaining in her toes. With bent knees beckoning to the heavens, her toes remained poised at the position of the drain plug. Pulling the chain, she placed all of her energy into the act of draining the awful bile where she stewed.

Biting her lip, tenderly, her face tightened in concentration as terse lips gave way to furrowed eyebrows. Sweat beads formed on her forehead despite her overbearing thirst, a thirst, which cut through the taste of copper. Wriggling her toes, she managed to grasp onto the chain attached to the drainage plug. Triumphantly she smiled before breathing out hard, realizing she held the breath begging to be released from its confinement.

Placing the chain between her big and the long toe, she pushed forward to allow the weight of her leg to open the drain. Successfully, the soft suction sound of the water draining trickled at first before bubbling air to the surface. Spiraling, a torrent of appalling auburn liquid lowered before slowing. With the plug separated, she managed to move her neck to see the water depth remained around two inches before stopping.

Tensely, she tightened her abs muscles, muscles underneath loose skin, strewn with stretch marks from the sons who previously resided within her uterus. With slight control over her arms, Isabella trembled as she braced the sides of the bathtub. Pushing down as she pulled her body closer to the rear of the tub, a gasp of effort erupted from her mouth as she accomplished this.

Breathing hard, she glanced as the cause of the drainage problem. Horrified, her eyes widened as she glanced back at her bottom and back at the drain. In a pile, at the drain a mash of brown material. Dark, yet containing the unmistakable contents of her previous meal. A large mound of feces plugged blocked the exit to the horrid water, which contained her body, her shit pooled at the drain, taunting her.

In a panic, her breathing doubled in pace. Sweat pouring down her face illuminated the ghostly pallor, highlighting her angst, yet draining her body of the remaining essential contents necessary for her health, robbing her of the very thing she required for strength. Refusing to dwell in the darkness of her emotions, determined not to acquiesce and perseverate on her lack of power to leave the basin containing the most detestable of ingredients, she reorganized her thoughts. Observing her body, she ignored the terrible stench while moving slowly to test her current strength.

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