Chapter Forty-Four

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As the morning light brightened softly outside, while the birds began to flutter about, chirping and squawking, Isabella cradled her pillow to her chest as she grinned. Reunited with her father, in her dreams, she absorbed each quality of the grizzly man who taught her strength and resiliency. One whose life was cut excessively short. Losing him in her adolescence, her heart still ached as she recalled his presence.

Diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Isabella watched as the strong man, she knew for many years shriveled to a husk of his former self in a matter of months. Cursing God and fate, Isabella retreated into herself, into her pain as she made increasingly troubled choices, which hindered her further.

However, here, in her dreams, the memory of her father remained pure, untarnished as she grew with him watching her. Stretching far passed his tragic death, his presence peppered into many of the most important parts of her life. She found her mind taking her to her high school graduation, where he beamed and held an extremely cumbersome video camera, all the while cheering her name unapologetically as the rest of the audience craned their necks to see the doting father.

Smiling on the sidelines of this memory, Isabella watched her younger self, squirm yet strand taller than the others around her. Flashing forward, her wedding came into view as she noticed a much older father, still strong, still wise guided her down the aisle to her former husband. Beaming, she carried a renewed vigor, and aura of confidence and support.

Once again, the images passed into later periods of her life. The births of Celestino and Brandt, where he appeared the happiest in the room as he beheld his grandsons to the point in time where Isabella confided in him that she is planning to divorce her, then, husband.

With all of these, a quiet repose remained with him. A life of strength and honor where she continued to marvel. As Isabella dreamt, small tears leaked from her eyelids, small streams of happiness and comfort. Lastly, the visions of her father took her to his deathbed. Living a long life, still holding a warm smile, she sat at his side, holding his hand as he breathed his last. His eyes holding onto her gaze firmly, unable to speak, willing her to understand him.

The vision dissolved as her body returned to her bed. Thick tears cascaded down her face as she sobbed. Her eyes remained tightly shut as she thanked the light beings for their kindness. Giving her her father back, the hero of her past.

Isabella's alarm rang and rang as she sobbed. Unwilling to move, allowing her vision to permeate through her, she swelled with love. A love for her father, her sons and Doug. As Doug's visage passed over her mind, she smiled before jumping up, startled as the phone rang over the repetitious sound of her morning alarm.

Sighing at the additional intrusion upon her rest, Isabella turned off the alarm before making her way toward the phone in the kitchen. Tethered there by a short cord, she sat before answering groggily.

"This better not be a telemarketer." Isabella said curtly.

"So much sass this morning. Geez." A familiar voice called out.

"Oh my, yes, too much sass. What do you make of it Brandt?" Celestino said through a grin.

"Hmm, I don't know. I think we may have the wrong number. What do you think bro?" Brandt said teasing his mother.

Switching gears, Isabella perked up as she said, "Hey you too. You know you called really early and on a Saturday, no less. What do you expect if you poke the bear?"

"Whoa whoa whoa. Calm it down mother." Celestino teased further.

"Haha, you only call me mother when you are frustrated. What's up?" Isabella said.

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