Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The second day of the work week came as Doug cradled his pillow. His body still ached from the passing of the virus. So many fluids flowed from him, Doug thought he would soon shrivel up. As he drank more and more liquids, warm soups, and some solids in the form of crackers, he felt the life return to him.

Laying in this darkened room, near dawn, his memory foam mattress supporting him tenderly as a nurturing figure caressing his hair as he placed his head on their lap. As the sky began to lighten with hints of crimson and orange speckled into the sky, blending and becoming one before the glorious orb providing life and warmth to the planet crested the horizon.

As the light remained dim, Doug's eye moved toward his nightstand as a light blinked rapidly from his cell phone. Quickly, his mind moved to Isabella. Unable to see her for a few days, a slight sadness washed over him before being replaced with curiosity if she contacted him. Reaching over to the phone, he tapped the screen to see what notifications remained. Only the mocking symbol of a mobile game met his eyes, no texts nor missed calls present on his phone.

Sorrow glided over him as he saw this. Loneliness as thick as oatmeal filled his heart as a deep ache penetrated his chest. Thinking of Isabella, once more, he smiled as he thought of her face, not yet filled with deep grooves, thin lines marking her mouth and her forehead, the wisdom of time passing.

Sitting up in bed, Doug checked the feeling of his body. The stiffness from the previous days passed as his limbs felt lighter, his head, which pounded, ached and swelled, now felt clearer. Debating on returning to work today, Doug allowed himself time to fully measure his body's capabilities. The room swayed slightly as he remained seated yet did not cause him to fall. Deciding against infecting patients at the hospital or other staff, Doug laid back down in bed before reaching for his phone and calling his department head to cancel his shift.


Moments after the sun crested over the horizon, Isabella woke to birds singing, a peaceful quality flowing through her. As she sat up, her mind passed over her dream. A trip through a distant and foreign land, feelings of connectedness, of love. Isabella swooned as they captivated her, taking her into a sweet bliss as reality confirmed the same feelings, being lost in the revelry until her body melted into reality.

Feeling her body tremble, she felt the familiar sensation of warmth and passion flow through her. Becoming wet, Isabella felt her nipples harden, small pinpricks poking out of her shirt. Passing her hand on her stomach, while her other hand passed over her nipples, Isabella felt the cascading sensations erupt within her. Thundering in her chest beat melodiously as she neared her panty line.

Surgically, she passed under her lace, sky blue, panties through the small tuff of pubic hair, to the fount of moisture coalescing within her. Putting a solitary finger inside herself, she moaned as an image of Doug passed over her mind. Becoming wetter, Isabella pressed deeper before passing her finger over her clitoris. Stabilizing it with two fingers, she rubbed tenderly, yet firmly, her hips swaying with the promise of bliss, the radiation of ecstasy.

Before she could continue, further, she noticed the stinging emanating in the area. A heightened need to use pee caused her to slow her gyrations. Her hips stilled as she sighed a deep breath. The urinary tract infection returned to the forefront of her mind. Gritting her teeth, she grabbed a bottle of cranberry juice sitting on her nightstand, a purchase along with her prescription to help purge the infection from her body, before swallowing a deep draft of the tangy fluid.

Making her way to her bathroom, Isabella acquired the small pill bottle of her prescribed medication before popping one into her mouth and making way to the toilet. Sitting there for many moments, only a few trickles came out as the chalky pill lodged in her throat. Many fleeting moments of the pill dissolving in her throat, bringing back up the contents and taste to her tongue as annoyance grew within her belly. Disgruntled and sexually frustrated, she cleaned herself up before moving to prepare for her shift.

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