Chapter Thirty-Six

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"I thought it was merely legend. As story for hatchlings surrounded by the plasma. A lesson in cooperation." Pligal stated incredulously.

"No, this is not simply a tale." Ishhgil stated.

Turning his orbs toward Ishhgil, Pligal said suspiciously, "How can I trust anything you state? You who can change your presentation to others so readily. You who meant to abandon me near my chamber."

"If that is your wish. However, I merely determine your worth. We are not the Legion. We are, by all means, far superior and separate from the rest." Ishhgil said cutting in.

Grunts of approval resounded from the other 23rd Centuria as Pligal sharpened his gaze at Ishhgil.

"I did not choose to come here. You must know that. I followed my comrade from Duidon. I assure you, I meant, not, to intrude upon this group. It was the Imperial Legate herself that placed me here." Pligal said defensively.

"It matters not why you are here." Ishhgil added. "You have given a part of yourself to this vessel, the edifice which currently houses us and now it has deemed you worthy to enter into our fold. I do not apologize for my previous behavior. Just like everyone here, I serve a purpose. Some have many, while others less. It has been many cycles since I have introduced one into the fold. This honor cannot be overlooked."

Nodding, Pligal quietly acquiesced to Ishhgil's statement as the others looked on. Feeling their orbs upon him, Pligal suppressed his irritation. Letting it flow away, shifting his attention to his own thoughts of his vision, he allowed his mind to drift as he replayed the confusion nature of the vines. Their apparent fear of his intrusion in their land as well as their curiosity of him. Wrapping around him, yet not binding his movements, they seemed to protect him, a barrier against the world.

"Your voyage, which brought you here, positioned you in the direct route of the Plains of Nasfa. Parallel to them, you and your party moved in the tranquility of darkness." Luminol said musingly. Whispering to himself, he let out, "What astonishments it would have shown in the midst of the gloom could be anyone's supposition."

The other Centuria glanced upon Luminol as he mused aloud as Na-Lor shook her head irritated. Forindy stepped forward as the others glanced at the spectacle continue to unfold before them.

Walking towards the center of the chamber, he spoke in an even tone, saying, "I understand that Ishhgil can be confusing many times and Luminol, here." Forindy say pointing towards the musing Centuria. "He speaks to himself most of the time. Many of us can't understand him, nor wish to, at times, however, you are a part of us now. We are kin in these wrappings."

He said with his talons held against his own wrappings. Everyone's orbs turned toward Forindy as he spoke with clarity, with repose. The energy of the room shifted as he met each of their glances.

His intent known, he continued with renewed vigor, which cascaded upon all present, "Now, let us leave what happened moments ago, there. We need you to prepare with us for this upcoming assault upon all of the Ak-Wo. There is not time for squabbles against one another."

Pligal and Ishhgil shot their glances downward as the recrimination cut especially deep within them.

"So, Ishhgil. Apologize to our new member." Forindy commanded his voice sharp, his intent heavy.

Shooting him a glance, Ishhgil acquiesced before his scales shuddered with annoyed lighting. Making orb contact with Pligal, he balled his talons into a fist before saluting him in supplication.

"Thank you." Pligal said sheepishly; more for Forindy's involvement than Ishhgil's salute.

Noting Pligal's confusion, Luminol added, "Forindy is the San of the 23rd Centuria."

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