Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Warning:  Sexually explicit material.  Not suitable for all ages. 

Awaking warm, pleased, Isabella felt Doug's sperm slither from deep inside her as it soiled his sheets. Gelatinous, gooey slowly, it felt prey to gravity as it freed itself from her vagina as her body tingled, her nipples hardening while her mind passed over the previous night. Moaning as she shifted, the trail of semen streamed quickly now out of her, forming a pool around the side of her curves.

Sunlight radiated from the outdoors, flooding in as Isabella's eyes burned. Feeling Doug's body next to her, Isabella pushed her butt into him softly to absorb his warmth. As her naked bottom pressed against him, Doug's arms groped for her before pressing his own body tightly against her.

Shifting, Doug grabbed upon Isabella's waist before kissing her shoulder tenderly. Smiling, Isabella remained in place as she breathed in the fragrance of his bed, the aroma of fresh linen dryer sheets. Naked, exposed, vulnerable, they remained nestled against each other as their breathing matched each other's. Quickly, a hardening surface pressed against Isabella's back as the moments between the two stretched onward.

Isabella pressed harder against Doug as he moaned in pleasure. Turning her head to face him, Isabella smiled as she reached to grab his penis. Feeling it twitch and swell in her small hands, Isabella bit her lip as she massaged him. Slowly, she stroked as her body flooded with moisture, lubricating inside her, arousing her, as her heart fluttered.

Adjusting slightly, she maneuvered his member to the precipice of her gateway. Pushing her hips deeper, Isabella gasped as Doug met with the open channel Isabella offered. Slowly, he moved his own hips, modifying his entrance into her. Feeling himself quiver, the moisture she presented quickened his heart while he began to sway.

Further, he pushed himself inside her as Isabella's vagina wall tensed around his throbbing member. Biting his lip, Doug grabbed her curvy hips, pulling her close as he continued to thrust himself rhythmically inside her.

"Mmm." She moaned as she pushed back into him, guiding his thrusts to massage inside her.

"Goddam you feel amazing." Doug whispered away from her, conscious not to allow his morning breath to ruin the moment.

Turning again to face her, Doug noticed her expression, hard, yet fiercely passionate, her cheeks ruddy, flushed with every rush, every thrust. Her lips slightly parted, exhibiting such a palpable sensuality within her that Doug tensed as her look nearly brought him to climax.

Tenderly she reached out as her body maintained rhythm with Doug as her vagina welcomed him, as her eyes ensured he knew it. With a single sweep of her arm, Isabella nestled Doug's head as she pulled him closer.

Quickly, he suppled on her breast in response to her gentle guidance. Licking her nipples, he tenderly nibbled on them solely with his lips. As Isabella moaned louder, Doug intensified his exploration of her breasts while the morning light flooded the room.

More light flooded the room until Isabella's eyes saw nothing but light, nothing else existed as light hungrily absorbed everything in place. Somehow, within this brilliant display of light, another creature stood within it, even brighter than the rest of the environment as her body detached from the sensual touch of Doug to pure numbness. Glancing in their direction, Isabella knew this form of creature beaming, pulsing radiance. Annoyance seeped into her as understanding flooded in as well, as the third instance, Isabella irritatingly, begrudgingly accepted it, moments of ecstasy pulled her closer to this plane.

Seemingly hearing her thoughts, Isabella heard in a neutral tone, "Go back child. However, please come back soon. We have much to discuss."

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