Chapter Forty-Three

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As the battle plans continued, within the obelisk, three figures made their way toward the Plains of Nasfa. Enclosed in the tough fibers of the foliage from the west, their cart, unlike his previous encounter covered them from the elements as the terra god crested above them, baking the landscape with its harsh presence.

Wrapped in the bindings of the Vior, two of them watched through the opening of the moving vehicle as a mid-sized tulac pulled them forward. The third, a member of the Clathor rested as the cart rocked side to side. Lulling him to sleep, bored, assigned to the keep the Vior safe, he tired of his duties, allowing his body to enter the death state, uncaring of any reprisals he may encounter due to his dereliction of duty.

Excitement swelled within the scales of the larger Vior, returning here, after a few cycles, he hoped to understand the mysteries within the Nasfa. Tormented in his death state of his previous encounter with them, Dorn studied the pathway before him as his mind took him to the potential findings he may encounter.

"The thorns." Dorn thought as his body trembled with the vibration of the covered vehicle. "Let the ancestors watch over us if I am incorrect about them."

"Where does your mind wander to?" Optis inquired as his orbs briefly passed over Dorn to examine the surrounding region.

His, once, crazed smile faded as the burden of cycle after cycle of no death sleep in order to discover a method to defeat the Torsons lifted from him. Rewarded for his involvement by discovering a potential solution to this conflict by allowing him to return to his personal chamber for his, much needed, deathstate as well as spending many moments in slumber after embarking upon this expedition, Optis' mind slowly returned to him.

His appearance, no longer ragged, his presence calm without his previous frantic nature, Optis' orbs appeared measured and present. As Dorn took his time to respond, his orbs turned toward Optis and their Clathor member of their adventurous trio. Glancing downward, he measured his words as he considered the change evident within Optis. Watching Dorn, Optis stayed quiet as his comrade gathered himself.

Whispering, Dorn said, "I am unsure what we will find once we land. My hopes is that we will find some answers, however, I don't know."

"What answers are we to discover in the Plains of Nasfa?" Optis asked impassively.

Glancing up, Dorn's orbs widened as he noticed lucidity living in the orbs of his fellow Vior.

Smiling, Dorn said, "I am glad to see that you are much different from our previous encounter. I have to say that I was concerned that you were assigned to this journey with me."

"Rightly so," Optis said waving his talon dismissively. "I was not myself. My mind seemed to slip more every cycle. With no deathstate cycle, I felt close to the edge of an endless abyss. Drowning in the acrid sea of my own consciousness, every scale seemed set aflame."

"I noticed." Dorn said as a loud clack struck against the cart.

Shifting their attention to the noise, Dorn broke the silence first as he said, "The answer to your question is not easy to announce. There is a suspicion I have about the Plains. There is dense life there."

"You mean the thorns?" Optis said.

"Yes, there is more life in them than people suspect." Dorn replied.

"I've heard of the lights they emit. Is that what you mean?" Optis inquired with his orbs fixed upon Dorn, taking every nuance exhibited by his scales, speech and mannerisms.

Dorn's orbs caught Optis' gaze before slowly saying, "You are observing me for any fault in my tale. You believe me spinning tales?"

Taken aback, Optis said, "No, merely being careful. I am far away from my home now and my mind is finally coming back to me. Everything is causing me to be alarmed. No offense, comrade."

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