Chapter Twenty

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Swooning as the savory crimson ran down her throat, the electric quality of the essence renewed the seeress with greater energies, stronger perception, a vision reflecting universal wisdom. Crackling down her throat, the invisible qualities of the crimson renewed the lost, the faded glory of what once was before the many cycles weighed her down, closer to the origin of her species, drawing her back into the land, itself.

Streaming down her throat, the red fluid elucidating the qualities of the life bringer, the tangible qualities of the ancients brought to form. Cautiously, she guided herself down to the nearest pit. Her journey, far from this point, required many moments with the creatures who watched over all. Learning from her past, she understood the requirement to be in a comfortable position, in a death state to avoid aching scales, piercing pain, which continued on to the end cycle.

As swiftly as she placed herself in her tucked in position, the darkness swelled around her, filling the sides of her vision, she fell, crashing onto the silver and blue soil, puffing a glittery cloud into the air before her tiny pinpricks of nostrils pulled some of the dust into herself. Caking her lungs with the skin of this land, the layer enwrapped itself far across the terrain before acquiescing to the acid, putrid fluid filling parts of their land, seas of corrosive acid, swelling and blending into the fringes of the technicolor land, taking in the matter and transmuting it to lifeless sludge.

The elder Seeress felt pulled from her birthplace, from the terrain as her other self, the one lingering, with the spirits, the ancients floating into the heavens. Knowing, what will happen to her, she consciously let herself be guided by this invisible force. In cycles, past, she grew to understand the importance of letting go and allowing the force to direct her.

Originally, the Seeress attempted to direct her movements, to focus where she flew. Time after time, she violently returned to the path, guided as an unruly child, back toward the destination. With her onyx orbs, she witnessed many sites in the expanse above, the location formally described as the home of the ancestors. The flickering lights, the vast stationary smoke fixated upon the dark void, strung across the death cloud as a beacon, illuminating its surroundings.

As the failed attempts piled upon, one another, she found herself upset at the lack of flexibility, distracted by the wisdom gained from the menagerie, truths that the wisest among her kind would die for, placed the permanent death upon others. In her brashness, she fought against the wisdom of these creatures, the power of the words, the message which broke apart the vast ages or lore.

The knowledge of her counterpart, the creature who moved about the world, alone, placed in frightening situations where it appeared incarcerated, attacked by others who restrained it. Separated from its world, as it silently carried on, unwilling to interact with others. The image, the beings presented her, the same creature from her own mind, lurking in the death state of cycles past. Laying in some type of pit with different tubes connected to it, elevated from the ground, separated from the earth as these savage creatures fiddled around her other half, performing who knows what incantations and invocations of the gods of their people to free him from this prison. For innumerous cycles, the connection remained between the two, awakened by the crimson, invigorating her as her knowledge increased.

Complete surrender to their teaching, the Seeress developed a respect for the other creature. Watching it from afar, the celestial beings provided a translation of its dialogue. The rapid, harsh sounds, distant from the rhythmic clicking of her kind, assaulted her, causing her to wince slightly. Each iteration lessened the effect of the being's speech patterns. With this, she began to focus on the content, the struggle against those who chose to disregard his testimony.

Branding him, one who thinks outside the norm of possibility, they all shut him out. Placing him in the most precarious of locations, detached from those closest to him, separated from simple pleasures in life. With noxious chemicals, they sedated him, restraining him in areas even the lesser beings of that world would not reside.

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