Chapter Three

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Waking excitedly about her new job, Isabella quickly prepared herself for work. Applying a careful amount of makeup, not wanting to give off the wrong impression on her first day of orientation, she awoke early to facilitate this. Drinking the remaining contents of the ramen from the day prior, she swallowed attempting to satiate her hunger. Unfortunately, not helping as her body continued to crave more nutrients.

Arriving at orientation, her stomach rumbled, mild in tone. Flushing, thinking those around her heard, her light brown complexion reddened as she sat awaiting the start of the session.

"I feel the same." An older gentleman a seat away from her said smiling in a low whispering tone.

"Yeah, she said sheepishly." I, unfortunately, skipped breakfast."

"It's your lucky day." He said pulling out a protein bar from his pocket. Handing it towards her, smiling sideways attempting to keep his head towards the speaker as they started going over the drug policy at the time.

Mari eyed the wrapper covetously. Attempting to focus on the speaker. Failing to regain attention, she feigned focus. Her mouth salivated while she thought about eating the bar. Wondering what it would taste like, her mind perseverated on what the flavor and consistency would yield to her taste buds.

Finishing, the speaker said, "Ok, we will take a ten-minute break. Let's convene at ten o'clock."

Meeting the man's eyes, his kind warm eyes, Isabella suppressed a smile as she noticed his nametag said 'Doug'.

Isabella smiled, "Thanks, Doug. I really appreciate it." Taking the protein bar, standing up, she said, "You should let me repay you."

Holding out his hand to shake hers, he said, "Doug Tyler, a pleasure."

Embracing his own hand with her own, she said smiling warmly, "Isabella Herrera."

"Well, let me take you to dinner later," Doug said relinquishing the grasp.

Although older, Doug was attractive, approximately in his fifties with dark hard eyes, his hair started to thin and recede yet did not pull too far back. Black with specs of silver, his hair framed his face and his strong jawline. His skin, tanned with minute fixed lines around his eyes. Appearing physically fit, his muscles protruded under his white polo.

Isabella stammered, "W-well, I supposed that is a fair trade." She said smiling, thinking of his kindness as well as the nourishment, she needed. This offer, she just could not refuse.

"If you'll excuse me, I need to visit the ladies room." She said meeting his eye.

Watching her leave, she turned to see him smiling at her exit. Blushing slightly, her gait doubled as she exited the large room. In the bathroom, she picked a stall and quickly devoured the protein bar. Licking the wrapper before discarding it in the trash bin, Isabella's mind moved over her recent actions as well as the path bringing her here as a stitch in her side grew.

The rest of the orientation proved uneventful. Many people yawned while additional policies were highlighted. In the end, Doug met with Isabella once more to talk.

"So, shall I pick you up or would you like to meet me elsewhere?" Doug inquired.

"I can meet you wherever. Here is my number." Isabella giving him her number to her home. Unable to purchase a cell phone due to financial woes, she blushed, once more thinking of her situation.

Returning home to her meager, nearly barren, apartment, having to sell some items in the past to purchase food. She had four hours to prepare for her date with Doug. Spending this time reviewing her job description as well as additional policies of the hospital, taking great care to take in the nuances, her phone rang after two hours.

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