Chapter Sixteen

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Warning: This chapter contains explicit sexual content.  Not intended for minors. 

As she moved down each aisle to find the best deals, playing the key bits into her shopping cart. Her hair tied back into a ponytail, she did not take time to clean her look as her stomach rebelled quickly forcing her forward. The warmth in her abdomen swirled, gestating as the dull pain brought her remembrance of the importance for food.

Weakening by the moment, a wave of fatigue engulfed her. Finishing her shopping, she moved to walk home in the waning light. The magenta streamed and stitched into the warmth of the tapestry spread in the heavens. The cool air of the coast caked the area; a slight salty aroma mixed in with the lingering stench of marine life floating in the air.

Covering everything in a sightless film, the pending autumn dusk brought with it a dryness despite the lingering humidity. Pulling life from the tree leaves and other flora draped over homes and buildings, it piled its refuse upon itself. Allowing the vibrant fall breeze to carry them to and fro.

The leaves soft crush underfoot crackled with each shift of Isabella's body in movement as the darkening clouds overhead threatened to dissuade any ideation the wind held to swell the ranks of the decaying foliage. Not a product of the impending dusk, the moisture built too heavily in the heavens now wishing for sweet release.

Sensing the impending rapture, Isabella rushed homeward. Doubling her step, she arrived at her apartment complex unmolested by the thick weighty drops pouring forth after she closed the door of her home. The glorious patter of heavy rain struck each structure in the complex. Within it, small flecks of hail caused music to erupt as it broke upon hollow metal surfaces. A distant rumble in the distance proceeded a brilliant flash of light. The storm sat upon Charleston as its deluge causing the denizens of the city to seek shelter lest the gale overtake them.

Unbothered by the normal weather she experienced since birth, Isabella worked to fashion her meal. Choosing a hearty, savory recipe, she moved quickly to cook its contents. Her mouth, watering slightly over the permeating aroma through the home causing her to lick her lips in response.

Letting it stew, she returned to her answering machine to see if any messages flickered. A pulsing red one shot back from the machine. Pressing the button to hear the message, delight filled her as she heard the voice of her eldest son Julio.

"Hey, mom!" He yelled out to gain her attention a soft southern drawl apparent in his speech, the product of living amongst the Texans for so long.

"Mamma, ooh ooh ooh ooh. Didn't mean to make you cry. If I'm not back again this time tomorrow...." he sang terribly off-key pausing before saying, "I'll just call back. Love you. Bye!"

Chuckling to herself, she returned her attention to the small pot stewing on the stove burner as it started to bubble over requiring her to stir. Gingerly bringing the spoon used to stir to her lips, her mouth watered as it neared. Slowly tasting the contents, her enthusiasm waning about the thought of it than previously.

"Needs more spice." She thought wincing slightly.

Opening her cabinet, she sought her favorite spice. Fortunate for her, many of them remained for her use. As soon as the spices seeped into the contents of the food to her liking, she collected a large portion of it bringing it to her chair where the book beckoned. Savoring the meal cradling her abdomen, wrapped in a clean towel, she absorbed the warmth. Permeating the cloth, providing her comfort, the pale imitation of bodily connection.

Distracted, her body began to stir with passion. As she felt the warmth near her abdomen, she pressed tightly against herself. Images of Doug embracing her, kissing her, caressing her body as he moved his hands gently, firmly over Isabella's curves. Smiling widely as her body responded to the summons she continued developing her fantasy.

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