Chapter Thirty-Nine

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As the darkness of slumber enveloped Isabella like a warm embrace, she felt her sadness abate, slightly. The thoughts of the week drifted away as a sense of peace washed over her. No longer focused upon the death of Henry, nor the sickness she experienced in front of her coworkers, not even the phone that kept ringing in the distance, with a message inaudible to distinguish, everything evaporated.

Floating in an abyss, the darkness shifting around, yet not blending, swirls of black on darker murkiness cradled Isabella. Glancing around to watch any change without the slightest trepidation, without the smallest inkling of unease, Isabella breathed deeply, out of reflex.

Bringing her consciousness down to her body, Isabella noticed her disconnection with her corporeal form. As realization dawned upon her, with the familiar gray encased form adorning her, an unknown fog lifted from her consciousness, one of focus and clarity replaced the heaviness of slumber fighting for dominance in her mind.

"Ah, I see." Isabella said to herself. "Sigh, let's have it then."

Through the gloom, the shifting ethereal darkness, swirling as a gentle stream, melodic and responsive, a voice laughed before saying, "Hehe. You seem to present with some annoyance. What is it, that you find so irksome?"

"I just feel drained. This whole experience. All of it, each time I feel pulled here, the story I am getting, it is all to heavy to bear." Isabella said.

"You feel burdened, my child?" The familiar voice called out losing its brevity, now replaced with genuine concern, thoughtful care.

"Not a burden. I just have a lot going on right now. I wish I didn't have extra." Isabella remarked as light beings popped into existence, providing luminous streams around her.

Surrounded, once more, by the incandescent beings, Isabella could feel the warmth around her, permeating through her molecules, radiating within her, attempted to calm her discontent.

Knowing they wished to influence her mood, Isabella said, flatly, "Thanks for trying to help. I just need time to grieve. Time to cope with all of this around me."

An unfamiliar voice called out, this one soothing, nearly maternal, yet direct, said, "It is solely our wish that you are comforted. Much needs to be done, soon and we have much to discuss in this brief moment you present yourself before us."

Grunting in acknowledgement, Isabella said, "Where is my other? Pligal, was it?"

The familiar voice replied, "He is working on another task. As we discussed previously, never, in all of our time, have the two parts presented themselves at the same time. We believe that was an anomaly and unsure if it can be replicated."

A quick voice, sharp and direct stated, "I disagree. We have many opportunities to duplicate this meeting. It just involves.."

"Enough. We will confer at another time to present this topic." The familiar voice stated as some of the others seemed to shift in place, obeying their command, yet wishing to speak further.

Isabella said flatly and clearly annoyed, "Why am I here? What is it that you wish to speak to me?"

"Hmm," The familiar voice said. "Perhaps our eagerness has taken precedent over our ability to reason. For a primitive species, like your own, it may be too complex to understand your place within the greater multiverse. For that, we would like to present our humblest apologies. However, I wish we had more time to spare for you to take hold of our truths, at your own pace."

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