Chapter Thirty-Three

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Warning:  Sexually Explicit Material

Spending his lunch hour with Isabella, Doug noticed her pain lessen as her personality returned in short bursts. Each moment spent with her, he wondered what caused her pain, but dared not ask. Respecting her grief, he swallowed his questions as he comforted her, sitting with her, allowing her to know his presence remained with her.

Before returning to work, Doug arranged more time with Isabella. Inviting her over his home, Isabella silently agreed to his request. Her eyes moist, Isabella's body, exhausted but hopeful, melted with his request. Taking her time to return home, with a few hours to spare in her preparation for their evening together, Isabella allowed herself a moment in White Point Garden overlooking Charleston Bay.

Passing under the crooked oak trees, inhaling the sea air as the lingering humidity caressed her body, running the tips of her fingers against the bark of the massive trees, Isabella allowed this small area seated South of Broad to fill her with the energy she lacked. Rejuvenating her, Isabella noticed her pain diminish as her mind trailed off. Finding herself at the land's edge, leaning against the railing as the waves crashed below her, breathing deeply, she found herself turning her mind towards Henry.

With her vision blurring, misting with tears, Isabella allowed her feelings to wash into the bay. Swept away with the current, sinking deep down into the watery abyss. Passing her thoughts to Henry, once more, she ruminated upon his connection with the reptile people.

As her mind focused upon this, Pligal and her bond with this creature took over. With him, she saw a new world, a new purpose of her existence. Realization dawned upon her with a mighty punch in her gut. Seeing the truth, she mourned once more. As Henry's bond was severe, his will to live died with it. Isabella questioned her own fate.

"Will I do the same if Pligal fades?" She thought to herself. "How long do I have left, then?"

As her mind passed over this, a lingering stitch greeted her side. Pressing her hand against it, she continued to wonder over her bond. Questioning her own sanity as she thought of reptilian creatures, soul bonds, and other dimensions, Isabella let out a light chuckle, a smirk etched upon her tear-marked visage. Taking her time to return to her car, she embarked on her way home, readying herself for her meeting with Doug.


Ring. Ring. Ring.

Her phone called out from her kitchen as she applied her makeup. Allowing it to go to her answering machine, Doug's voice reverberated through her barren apartment.

"Hey hun, here is my address." He called out from the machine as he provided additional instructions for parking. Following the greeting, Doug continued, "Can't wait to see you!"

Smiling at his words, Isabella hurried to finish her preparations. Pulling up her lace panties, it hugged her hips, cradling her round butt. Looking at the mirror at her naked body, Isabella carefully measured her features. Her wide hips, her sagging breasts from bearing two children as well as her stretch marks etched on her stomach, she surveyed herself with a slight frown.

"If only I could turn back some of the years." She thought to herself.

Averting her gaze, Isabella returned to covering up her own disgust of her body with her clothing laid upon her bed. Finely attending to her clothing, delicately pulling up her dress, Isabella turned her attention to her prescription of antibiotics on her bathroom sink. As her UTI symptoms cleared up, Isabella continued to take them in order to be sure.

Blushing, her mind passed over intimacy with Doug. Warmth poured into her vagina as her nipples became erect, once more. Licking her lips automatically, she ran her hand over her breast, now covered with her bra and dress. Thinking of pleasuring herself before departing, more warmth flooded her genitals as moisture soon followed. Glancing at her alarm clock, Isabella frowned as she noticed time slip away from her. No masturbation today as she needed to hurry to make it to Doug.

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