Chapter 5 - We Are Gathered Here Today

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Ed complained despairingly as Meeka preened. Thrust her bra-less chest out even further under the tight cotton of her tank.

I peep down at my own chest. Give a small prayer of thanks that whilst endowed? I haven't been overly 'blessed'  as she is.

Meeka's are firm, gravity-defying and large. Very....very  large.

"If ya got it then flaunt it, Ed. That's what my old boss at Hooters used to say, and he's right. I was the biggest tip earner in the joint until I met Hap. Got pregnant and married."

"Not even a husband and two kids could bring these puppies down"  She boasted to me proudly.

"It's....please it's Fin and ummmm....what's a Hooters?"  I manage to stutter out stupidly.

"What's mean to say you ain't never heard of Hooters hun? Eddie said you're from Australia. Don't you have any down there? Hang on, I got me a photo somewhere...."

She bustled off and I looked over at Ed in question. He's still deliberately avoiding my gaze. Has a huge grin of anticipation on his face though, which makes me even more confused.

"That's me, right there in the middle. And this one's of me and Hap the day we met. All eighteen years and double D of me. Used to think I was as pretty as a pie supper? But you sure got me beat hands down, hun."

"Lucky my Hap is gone. Otherwise, he'd be ploughing through a stump to get his hands on ya."

I peer down at the framed pictures she thrust into my hands. Mostly so I don't show any more confusion than I already am. I'm distinctly starting to feel as if I'm in an 'English as a second language'  class.

'Ok, I get it now'  I peer at a line-up of very pretty girls.

They're all holding pitchers of beer in their hands while thrusting their 'Hooter'  clad chests towards the camera. Each are wearing shorts that may require extraction by a gynaecologist if they happen to bend over.

The other is of a smiling twosome. Meeka looking beautifully sexy next to a very much older and larger well-dressed man.

"You haven't changed a bit, lucky you. Two kids you said? So you met your husband at errrr....Hooters was it? Is he away from home at the moment?"

"Not at the moment but permanently. Dead these past two years now."

"Oh strewth!  I'd no....I'm so sorry. Please forgive me...."

Well, this is just going swimmingly.

A flush of mortification slid up my neck and face. Then around my mouth which is wide open to accommodate my size eight and a half boot.

When I peek up, Meeka is staring at me in amazement and....amusement?

"Watcha apologising for, Fin? Don't be sorry....I sure as hell ain't. Yeah, I loved him like mad to start with. That man sure was good lookin and could talk the birdies down from the trees."

"But he was as dumb as dirt, just as lazy to boot and nothing but a cashed-up womaniser. Took me a few years to wise up to him....more's the pity."

"Finally had me enough of his non-stop partying and skirt-chasing ways. Started talking turkey to a family lawyer. That's when old Hap went and did us all  a favour."

"Came home early from a charity luncheon one day, cos Amelia had been feeling poorly with her teething. When he saw me standing in the doorway of our bedroom....watching his flabby ass banging away at the Nanny?"

"He rolled off her, grabbed his chest and....poof....he was gone."

Meeka is telling me all this so matter-of-factly while bustling around. Putting plates, cutlery and glasses of iced tea down on the table. And I'm trying really hard not to be a bit shocked at her....flippancy almost?

A Convenient Wife - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz